New Profile Posts

  1. darkone
    darkone Kaaraa
    Hey man been awile
  2. darkone
    darkone LordKerwyn

    Been awhile. Mesage me man
  3. darkone
    darkone Ximnipot69
    Thanks buddy Sorry I've been gone so long
  4. ijffdrie
  5. Aurora
    Aurora ijffdrie
    :( waiting then!
  6. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie Aurora
    I submitted it to planet elder scrolls, but appeared yet, it has not.
  7. Aurora
    Aurora ijffdrie
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! upload?
  8. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie Aurora

    is done.
  9. kuvasz
    kuvasz Stirlitz
    I would prefer to use 1 piece of software rather than 3 but your link should be useful for learning about the technical stuff, thanks.
  10. Stirlitz
  11. Stirlitz
    Stirlitz Fenix
    Aw, ok! I just find some of these spammers quite funny, lol!
    Next time! I promise! xD
  12. sniper64
    sniper64 Higgs Boson
    Haha, hey it's Higgs. You have a large post count, I remember when you first joined. :P
  13. Fenix
    Fenix Stirlitz
    Stir, ol' buddy ol' pal... Report spam, don't reply to it.
  14. brotosterone
    brotosterone kuvasz
    :D good idea! I'll do that. I had the in-game music for casting, I just didnt realize it clashed with my own music. I'm glad you enjoyed watching though.
  15. kuvasz
    kuvasz brotosterone
    I found you on warp prism. I enjoyed watching but maybe you should pick either your music or in-game music, but not both ;)
  16. Makki
    Makki Ayanami
    Hey everytime i see your name 'Ayanami' it allways reminds me of the character called Rei Ayanami from Evangelion...
    just sayin'
  17. kingofthetrolls
    kingofthetrolls EatMeReturns
    Boo, your mother was a hobgoblin!
  18. kingofthetrolls
    kingofthetrolls EatMeReturns
    Boo, you chew your water!
  19. kingofthetrolls
  20. kingofthetrolls
    kingofthetrolls EatMeReturns
    Boo, you don't know how to check your profile!