If you have problems using older versions of VbCommerce, please mail vbcredits@gmail.com . Also, if that does not solve it, apparently a new beta is coming out soon.
I've only ever finished one project that I can remember. That includes sc1, sc2, blender... lots of ****. I do a lot of messing around though. EDIT: I'm working on a tower d with a friend which is really refined and pretty good so far, but not quite playable. And by "messing around" I mean things like "a water mover for sc2, the beginnings of a Big Daddy 3d model for a Bioshock mod, a keyboard-controlled drivable hellion that shoots seeker missiles...
So any maps by you? You seem to know a lot about mapping but I don't think I've seen anything from you.
from the chat logs [08:00] Teliko How long does it take mods to accept threads once posted? D: I submitted one like 2/3 days ago I didn't even know new members had that. I actually doubt it.
and this one aint finished yet, but beta is almost out. And beautiful: http://morroblivion.com/forums/morroblivion/mods/893?page=1
late reply to Auroras page, but if I recall correctly, it translates to story of the crimson face/mecha/robot that pierces the sky, crimson red tide. Not sure about the second part though.
How can someone possibly miss me whine in their general direction is beyond me, but I'll see what I can do, unles OOohh shinyyy....