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New Profile Posts

  1. Fendi
    Fendi overmind
    Hey Overmind, you live around here man? I see your screen name and I would add you later.
  2. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie Higgs Boson
    And here is a very gravely misinformed ijffdrie >.>
  3. Higgs Boson
    Higgs Boson ijffdrie
    SG:U hasn't been cancelled mid season? Lolwut?
  4. Fendi
    Fendi Aurora
    LOL, Nah.... at least I know what the storyline are. =) But I'm all for Multiplayer mode right now. :) Just beat an A.I Normal on all setting for an hour. :P
  5. Aurora
    Aurora Fendi
    Now for the brutal mode, haha. ;)
  6. Fendi
    Fendi Aurora
    I finish the game and get the some of the achievement including finish all mission.
    But I bet you gonna say this: Hell, It's about damn time. :p
  7. Aurora
    Aurora Fendi
    Pick up the hybrids with phoenix if you don't want to use the dark templar thing, and they're easy as well, haha. The mission's a pain in the *** on brutal, though. xD
  8. Fendi
    Fendi Aurora
    LOL, It was hard though, I just spam my base with Colossus and Stalker. Clearly the hybrids are hard enough to kill, but Colossus are great against Zergling and Hydralisk. ;)
  9. Aurora
    Aurora Fendi
    Jup, I did.

    For that mission I made a lot of dark templar, and set them to "hold position" in a line across every entrance. They hold back anything coming from the ground on their own. You'll have to quickly kill any overseers with your phoenix units really fast, but apart from that it's easy. ;)
  10. Fendi
    Fendi Aurora
    Did you play the whole campaign? I need to survive on In Utter Darkness, nearly succeed on that mission, but failed with 1459 numbers. :(
  11. Fendi
    Fendi MeisterX
    Hey Jon. :) It's good to be back here. :)
  12. Fenix
  13. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie Fenix
    Star Trek had the most influence on society, but the most recent series have been crap (seriously, I once gave a lesson on bad writing using only examples from star trek: voyager). Battlestar Galactica is very good, but stuff stops making sense around the end of season 3. It also has a lot of pseudo-societal commentary and religious imagery. Stargate is a very good series, but is not very consistent. Don't expect any interesting plotlines from the first few seasons to really be pursued. Also, season 9 and 10 of sg-1 feel odd, atlantis ended just when it introduced a cool new arc and I don't know what the hell is up with universe. Apparently it was cancelled mid-season.

    Personally, I like stargate best.
  14. Fenix
    Fenix ijffdrie
    Which is best: Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, or Stargate
  15. Fendi
    Fendi kuvasz
    Great... I'll see you on the multiplayer or battle.net later. (If that possible)
  16. kuvasz
    kuvasz Fendi
    At your service.
  17. quickzenity
  18. Fendi
    Fendi kuvasz
    Wow, you're a mod now. ;)
  19. Fendi
    Fendi Aurora
    Except for that damn campaign at Tarsonis. >.> for now I hate marauders. :p
  20. MeisterX
    Yeah the problem is that the old vBCommerce doesn't work with the newer versions of vBulletin which is why we needed to shut it off...