I can ALWAYS beat zerg and protoss on this map but I just cant be a terrain player, I always have trouble vs terran players who turtle and dont leave becasue they can just sit there and build there army behind a wall and im stuck just waiting and there units are stronger so they just push and I cant do anything about it except hope for the best almost =( but anyway how do I deal with terran on steppes on war siege tanks beat almost everything and agian the turling I cant rush them they get marines out to early (i've tried and evne a 6 pool isnt fast enough really) and they turle there so I thought " ok I'll get three bases and mass up" well I tried that but it failed maybe it was cuase I went for zerglings and mutas I thought I would make his army move from the front of his base by harrassing with mutas and then hit him with zerglings at the front but that dosnt work as seige tanks or whatever is there just own the zerglings while the marines push my mutas back but going for mass roach cant push through the wall either I just dont know a good build to beat terran on this map they seem unbalnced vs zerg on that map and protoss seem to lose to protoss on that map to easy (note: I am a copper player division 12 rank 17 and so prob dont know what im talking about with the unbalnced thing) also im not to great on micro and my computer has to slow it down every game but I still manage a APM of about 70 pure game which obviously isnt great but it used to be ALOT worse so im happy
hey, im no pro but i am in the platinum league. and the key to everygame in my opinion is to be aggressive and not let them take you to mid game as a zerg player. so to avoid having to deal with that considering the fact that your not to great at micro and your apm is a little low for a zerg player, you might want to consider an aggressive approach! Zerg in my opinion has the strongest tier 1 units. banelings and roaches pretty much owns everything which doesnt require heavy tech. so you have to take advantage of this! to deal with terran, open up with banelings if you see them going bio (reapers or marines). open up with a 10 overlord, 13 pool 14 extractor build. and make ur baneling nest as soon as you get a queen out after the extractor. (the queen is important, it serves as two purposes! 1; it can help fend of reapers from your base, and 2; you can save yourself from making an extra hatch early in the game, you can use the queen to inject larvae on your existing hatch which means more lings to spawn. Make sure you inject as soon as your queen spawns!!!) you should be fine from here. just pump out about 18 lings and morph half of them into banelings. it should be more than enough to break that wall down. you can throw down your 2nd hatch after this. i highly suggest not wasting/sacrificing your banelings on the wall if you feel he has to many troops behind it. only knock it down if you feel you can finish the game or do serious damage in his resource line. because if you do, then what good is it to break down the wall if you cant fallow up on another assult right afterwards? before you break down his wall send a ling in, and see if he has a huge group of marines behind the wall. if he doesnt then knock that baby down. otherwise you will just be wasting them for nothing while he repairs his wall. -now if he does have enough trops to defend, just wait or hide outside his path to ur base, when he starts moving out ambush him and watch those banelings explode on those marines! instant GG. if he is going for a mech buid such as hellions or banshees, then your in good hands. he shouldnt have much to defend early on in the game, and you can also consider opening up with roaches. here is a demonstration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBQApjw2RT0
true but keep in mind you can only produce so many that early on in the game + im afraid if he has enough marines the terran player may be able to kill a few banelings down before they even hit, not to mention if they are wisely spread apart from each other, it could be a fail decision to sacrifice those banelings. so it works either way really, just use your best judgement.
You will want to lead with a few lings in front at all times to draw fire from the banelings. Unit wise, when I'm planning on breaking a wall I usually take about 1.5-2 full control groups, with anywhere from 5-8 banelings depending on what I think I'll need.
harass harass harass! if you're in copper league they shouldn't be protecting their resource line too much...if they turtle doom drop some banelings on their scv's. Also be sure to focus on economy, if they're turtle you should be able to get to 200 supply before they do. Learn micro and learn for to counter spefific units...that's about all i can say.