I was watching it, frothing at the mouth from it's sexiness and couldn't help but notice someting. That Zerg unit they repeatedly focused in on, seemed very hybrid-ish, it looked as though it had a protoss face. Now here's the crazy conspiracy theory. That voice actress? Remind of you anyone...? No? You can't guess it? Here, try this on for size. [img width=486 height=459]http://images.wikia.com/starcraft/images/thumb/6/6a/Selendis.jpg/486px-Selendis.jpg[/img] Chyea. The voice actress for each sound virtually identical, I smell another razsagal. /Discuss
It may help if you add a few links to the vids. However, from simply the voice actor....In WCIII there's like 14 voices, just sped up, slowed down, accents, blah blah blah. Possible though
it costs a lot of money to hire multiple voice actors and actresses, just look at the budget on C&C, so it is much more plausible that they added, removed, sped up slowed, winded, =unwound the wavelengths of the voices of a few people so they could save money and still have separate voices.
What they did in SC1 was some of the voices were done by the devs themselves Fenix was voiced by Bill Roper.
Are you suggesting the video was voiced over by Selendis' voice actor? I thought no one knows who the voice actor is.