Zerg: What do I do wrong?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by eXeel, May 16, 2010.

Zerg: What do I do wrong?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by eXeel, May 16, 2010.

  1. eXeel

    eXeel New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    UPDATE: Now with attached replay.

    I play Protoss, I win.
    I play Terran, I lose after some time normally.
    I play Zerg, I lose. Quick. Always.

    I want feedback, I seem to get outmassed too fast. Always. Make it hurt, bring the criticism please! :)

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    Last edited: May 17, 2010
  2. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    file seems damaged.. can't DL.
  3. eXeel

    eXeel New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Same happens when I re-upload. Don't know what to do then.
  4. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Use megaupload or somethin?
  5. Arc

    Arc New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    double hatch and queen? since roaches are long gone, go for speedlings and lots of banes
  6. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    Zip file downloads but says it is empty. Tried just renaming it but SCII doesn't recognize it as a replay file.

    Why don't you just upload the entire replay file(s) somewhere? They are small enough you shouldn't need to zip them and could use a free web hosting service.
  7. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
    FYI you can now attach .SC2Replay files to a post.
  8. eXeel

    eXeel New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    I have attached the replay now! :)
  9. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    Noted: Edited to attach a replay with sample BO. Just watch the first couple of minutes. The rest is junk (just hopped into a custom game to demonstrate the BO).

    Alright, I skimmed through your replay. Some key notes:

    1) I'm fairly certain the 2x fake morph build you are using is NOT good and ends up costing rather than giving you any resource advantage. Single fake morph tends to be the best way to go for intial BOs that use fake morph.

    2) Your 2x hatch build is really slow for that second hatch expo, in large part for reasons outlined below. I'll post a sample BO later that uses both a fake morph and an early expansion.

    3) You left 2 of your drones sitting in your resource line doing nothing for the entire game. I suspect these were the two you fake morphed and then probably misclicked when telling them to go back to work, but it was hard to tell with the speed setting turned up. This hurt your economy a lot though. More to the point though is how you could not notice for the entire game, especially early on when you don't have much going on. You need to work on your general awareness and activity level, which will improve your micro. Some players even click around unnecessarily to keep their reflexes primed and their eyes paying attention.

    4) I personally think that kind of pool placement is a bad idea. I know a lot of players throw it behind their resource line. I'm not sure if the really good players are doing that or not. But IMO you should be using the pool more as a defensive wall/obstacle. Why is a lengthy paragraph in itself so I'm going to skip that for now.

    5) There is no reason to spread out your inital spine crawlers so much, especially against a Protoss player who is only going to have Zealots (i.e. melee units) during the time which your initial static D matters. To hit anything the zealots will have to get close enough that the first spine crawler will be able to hit them. If you did it because you're thinking that then they will have to walk farther to reach the 2nd crawler after killing the first then....

    6) YOU DON'T NEED THAT MANY SPINE CRAWLERS! You are going way overboard with the static D, which is crippling what you have to spend on units and tech.

    7) Spine crawlers can be moved. You should have moved the ones you built at your main to your expansion when it finished. That was wasted defense that would have helped you push back his first main attack. If you want to leave 1 at your main to prevent worker harrassment/light drops that can be a defensible strategic choice (although honestly Zerg shouldn't need it with Overlord scouts and highly mobile speed bonused units), but the rest should have been moved to your primary defense choke.

    8) You did not have enough workers. You didn't make enough and didn't replenish the ones you used to build structures. This resulted in a very, very weak economy. I think the game recommends 2 or 2.5 workers per mineral node. This is because each mineral node supports two workers simultaneously mining from it. That isn't to say you will always build workers to that number.....other factors such as tech, the need to produce combat units, and vespene/mineral balancing (i.e. builds that require more vespene than minerals) come into play. But you had way, way too few workers. Along those lines your vespene gas consumption frankly didn't make fit with the rest of your build. I think you had more than 200 gas before you even started using it, and you weren't using something like a fast muta build that requires the early gas build up that it later consumes when it reaches its rush to the spire. That also ended up being wasted resources.....workers gone into making and mining the extractors that could have been gathering minerals.

    I've probably left out things. In fact as I'm writing this it occurs to me I didn't see you use ling scouts. Overlords to watch your outer perimeter and spy on the opponent's initial BO are important, but so are early ling scouts to keep track of the enemies movements, etc. This also lets you make last minute/necessary defense expenditures in response to when the enemy decides to move out, and spend more on economy/tech until then. Defense is a tricky thing, you want to spend enough that you can successfully defend against attack without suffering any tech/economy losses and only proportionate (or better) combat unit to unit losses. It is a game of minimization, and as soon as you start spending too much on it (*cough* 5 spine crawlers *cough cough*) you start losing.

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    Last edited: May 18, 2010
  10. eXeel

    eXeel New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Thanks for the detailed information :)

    - I might have been busy playing the race, as it is new to me, so I forgot the workers. Must be it, I guess.
    - Keeping the drone count up is also something I need to get used to, that I lose workers to buildings to I have to remember to fill up the ranks once in a while.
    - Static defense: You're right.
    - Gas I get early because I know it is expensive later on, and the gas will be used at some point. But if I lose early due to prioritizing it, something is wrong naturally. You're correct.

    Will try and give it a few more shots before beta end :) Thanks.
  11. Arterial

    Arterial New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    ^also to re-iterate, I think khayman is saying that you had too much vespene gas with no intention of using it...