Hi guys I just started to play Zerg and I'm a P player but I really want to learn Zerg. My question is how do I beat this? I have tried getting lings for the stalkers with some mutas/corrupters and some hydras for some heavier HP units but it just doesn't seem to work. I am at a complete loss as of what to do so any feedback is greatly appreciated.. I know most people will be like.. well what did you do as P.. I already asked my self that and I couldn't remember a game where I went those specific units and lost to a Zerg. Thanks in advance for any help.
Add some Infestors to your army to neural parasite the colossus. Infestors work wonders Just gota make sure they don't get spotted.
Mutalisks will handle ur colosi prob as well, Mutes are great in general especially if the toss player has a bunch of ground forces.
a few corruptors does work good wonders versus the Colossus. Zerg's major advantage over Protoss though is ease of expansion. neural parasite is a tough one to use versus the Colossus due to its range. It works better when paired with melee units like ultras / zerglings IMO, neither of which I would recommend versus a protoss ground army. You just need a bigger army - use speedlings and/or mutas to make him waste a lot of time and money by harassing any expansion attempts. You should try to maintain a 1 base lead over your opponent and get mutas/corruptors/brood lords. Protoss will spend a ton of vespene teching to Colossus and getting colossus / sentries. They will need an expansion or will be really slow about getting one. You should have a bigger army and it should not be head-on combat.
Like others have said, nothing on the ground is going to beat that heavy robo build, if he builds up his army for a while. You have to relentlessly scout with zerglings and changelings, and as soon as you realize how much robo tech he is getting, you need to put up a spire and start pumping mutalisks and lings. Corrupters also work very well against colossus, and if you have time to get a hive and greater spire, a few brood lords will bring hell on that protoss army. Also, it takes a very long time for protoss to get enough colossus to push out. In the mean time you should be one base, or even two bases ahead of him. If he does end up trying to push out early to attack your extra expansions, you should be able to flank with lots of zerglings and hydralisks to destroy the few colossi he has. It's a lot of work for sure... but nothing is more satisfying than winning a game against a protoss who thought that he could auto win just by having 8 colossus.