I'm not sure if anyone will care, but I there's a picture that may show that Zerg utilizing Terrazine Gas just as the Terran do (Terran use it to turn Ghosts into Spectres, making them more physically powerful) I saw this concept art on the SC2 site, so I thought it may have something to do seeing as theres the same light in the SC:Ghost video... [img width=670 height=371]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd63/Alasdair22/ss68-hires.jpg[/img] Watch the refinery... I l v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_Ow2wTuSHE You only need to watch about 40 seconds in... If both Zerg and Terran use this gas, then it may become a rare resource in SC2, perhaps you need some to get important upgrades or units, otherwise it will probably be important to both Zerg and Terran (maybe even Protoss) in the campaign. I think I may have forgotten to say something, but I forgot.... So if you notice anything, thanks :good:
I'm sure I'm the only one who hasn't seen this video before but... this is ***** awesome! Er... I can't add anything useful to the topic.
Seriously, you haven't seen it before? Poor you. Btw, your sig is gold. Back to the topic. Maybe they can make their Ultralisks more physically fit?
Lol, perhaps the Zerg use Terrazine Gas to make those hero units (Devouring One, Hunter Killer, probably Torrasque too) and maybe the Dark Templar use it to power their vehicles? Lol, i dunno...
The one in the video is bigger, ALOT bigger and a awsome video! Why is starcraft ghost canceled? Itd be an awesome game!!
watch from 4:30, youl see something behind the captain (or wth he was) to the left, it looks like some goliath with cannons
Whee! Old topic! Can we continue this still? Blizzard said there might be high yield gas. However, that's not the same thing as terrazine. Terrazine is plot-relevant, and apparently enhances psychic abilities ... somehow. Vespene gas is just a plot device.
what i wonder if it just enhances powers, or gives powers to unpsychic people. that would give teh terran an army of ghosts(lolDOCTORWHOlol)
I'm pretty sure it enhances psychic powers (as spectres were ordinary ghosts before exposures). It could turn regular creatures into weak psychics, though (I guess).