Zerg "ultimate" unit idea

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by ShoGun, Jul 18, 2007.

Zerg "ultimate" unit idea

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by ShoGun, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    I came up with an idea for a possible Zerg ultimate unit, and ide like to share, so here it is.

    The unit is a Cerebrate. With Kerrigan's power over the swarm grown tremendously, she fashions and creates her own "cerebrates" to coordinate her broods more effectively. Unlike the original cerebrates, these new brood masters can move and attack with their underlings, and are not defenseless on their own. Only one cerebrate can be owned by a Zerg player at a time, however, they can be fairly easy to kill in most situations, although they are well expendable. Because of Kerrigan's heightened power, she has made the Cerebrates immortal, so each time one is slain it can be brought back to life from a specific Zerg building (although technically, it would be like building another cerebrate, but for story reasons we can call it being reincarnated ).

    The Cerebrate's purpose is providing support to your hordes by augmenting them in various ways. Kerrigan fitted each Cerebrate with the ability to take the gene codes of all it's various underling forms, and super charge them to morph itself into various improved versions of lesser Zergs. Keep in mind though, that morphing a Cerebrate would take sometime, as it needs to be cocooned to do so; it can decide to be reincarnated into any form of your choosing. Each of its various forms provides a different kind of support, usually enhancing the power of your hordes in some way. Also, each of its forms are not just look a alike of underlings with stat changes, they also would have a high graphic alteration.

    A Cerebrate can be built quite early in the game, and it can be upgraded through out it. Early in the game, it starts out weak, and most of it's abilities or new forms must be researched from it's building. It would have anywhere’s from 4-6 different forms, and the most powerful forms would be acquired later in the game.

    So, what do you all think?
  2. Shadowdragon

    Shadowdragon New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    An intresting idea, but a little vague. Do you mean to make it morph into some kind of general unit, like a mega zergling that improves all other zerglings all-around, or do you mean something more specific, like speed or regenetive abilities or all the units near it? And another question would be range. Would it work like auras in warcraft 3, or would it's effect be felt map-wide?
  3. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    My appologies for my lack of details. It morphs into different type of units, not just mega zerglings or mega mutalisks, it mixes gene codes of underlings to become completely different looking units. And most benefits are like auras, that effect units near the the Cerebrate, and not just for a specific type of unit. I haven't put thought into these abilities, they can either be auras, target abilities, the works, aslong as they can support allies either by directly augmenting them or weakening enemies.
  4. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    there is another topic that says almost this exact thing for an ultimate zerg idea.
    and zerg arnt getting a ultimate anyways.
  5. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    not they just get a bunch of kickass units. lots and lots of them.
    blizzard said that there wont be a terran and zerg equivilant to the mothership.
  6. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    its called planet cracker.
  7. DDDx

    DDDx New Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    Maby an upgraded lurker that can shoot air and more hit points it wouldent be a ultimate unit, but i think it would be cool. and a building with more larva would be nice too. but zerg dont realy need a ultimate unit they take out bases with sheer numbers.
  8. Rex

    Rex New Member

    Jul 14, 2007
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    Wouldnt it be like a protoss Mothership then since its a CELEBRATE >.>

    A Cerebrate can be built quite early in the game, and it can be upgraded through out it. Early in the game, it starts out weak, and most of it's abilities or new forms must be researched from it's building. It would have anywhere’s from 4-6 different forms, and the most powerful forms would be acquired later in the game.

    [/quote] Umm abilities likee heroes in wc3??
  9. Rex

    Rex New Member

    Jul 14, 2007
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    Heelllooo Hydras >.>
  10. Darktemplar_L

    Darktemplar_L New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Bay Area
    Your idea is cool! Except, what would the Terrans have? And, the cerebrate, would you be able to move it?
  11. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    Its not like the original cerebrates created by the overmind, these are new cerebrates created by Kerrigan. It is hardly defenseless, as it can move, and often attack. It can morph into different forms, each has it's own different attributes and abilities. It receives different upgrades and researches as you progress in tier. A Zerg player can own only one at a time. As an ultimate unit, it is not even close to the power of a mother ship. To stick to the Zerg's trademarks, this ultimate unit can be killed more easier, but it cost way less, and is built faster then a mothership. It is not a building it is a unit. Its main purpose is to support your hordes with augmenting abilities. Hope I made it clearer this time.
  12. JudicatorPrime

    JudicatorPrime New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    It'd be cool considering the Zergs direction in mass numbers, that a Cerebrate unit would just be the stationary unit, but grants a boon or upgrade to all of your existing units... Nothing like letting a zergling kill a protoss one on one but if you have many units it stacks up... This is obviously countered by the fact that you have to supply defenses for it because it cant move at all and stuff...

    I consider the emphasis on zerg to be in their numbers, and I thought this would just compliment them perfectly, I don't think another just REALLY strong unit would do it...