I'm wondering if you guys can shoot me a few pointers as to how to succeed with my favorite new strategy, which I call Nydralisks. In general (as you've probably been able to deduce) I pretty much just assemble my army underground in the Nydus network, all Hydras, that go right in as soon as they're hatched. I pop nydus worms wherever would be strategically beneficial (my bases/exps, friendly bases, choke points, naga towers, etc) and pop a bunch of hydras out where/whenever I need them. Instant base defense anywhere, plus an easy back door into an opponent's base. As it is now, this is definitely mainly a 2v2+ type of strategy, but I'd love to fine-tune it to work in 1v1. I consider myself a good 10Pool rusher, and that's how I start most games. If the rush fails, this is the strat I'd like to go to (pending scouting of course). Unfortunately I'm at work at the moment (lol) so I can't upload any replays, but does anybody see this being viable, either in 1v1, XvX, or against a particular matchup? It's really fun to play, and the DPS on Hydras is just insane, they attack air and ground, so I don't think any other units would be better. Suggestions?
in 1v1, if you only went mass hydras, you would lose... for sure, they do a lot of dps but they are really weak, you need zerglings to draw the aggro, then raoches to soak up the damage while your hydras in the back do all the damage. you should nydus, between his base and expo, so that you can hit his economy and move towards his tech buildings. in 1v1 vs good people, you need to distract them with a small attack while you are making your nydus. a 10 pool is amateur, 12-14 pool is pro.
What I usually do is have a roving band of 20+ speedlings to harrass expos and whatnot, what I'll usually do is run them up the ramp as a distraction while I pop the worm in the back, with the help of overseer sight or something similar. With some mixed units coming from the worm (hydras/roaches) would it be more viable? A couple quick general strat questions that may help me: Why is the 12-14 pool better than my 10 pool? I've gotten quite speedy with it. Also, in general, what are Roaches good at countering? Just any sort of light unit like marines?
Single unit armies always lose, except in like, bronze league. Hydras are also painfully slow off creep. That being said, I love to see strategies evolve and i think that the Nydus worm is very underused atm.
Roaches are good against armored units, especially against another zerg player that masses hydras.... roaches will disintegrate them lol. I always have roaches as a part of my unit squad, due to there heavy armor, they are great meat shields. Plus with there burrow / movement they can be a great harass asset