I've been exploring this forum since before Starcraft 2 even came out. I was going to try to not buy starcraft 2 so that I wouldn't get addicted to this game, but it's too late lol. I'm really trying to get better with zerg, working my way up the platinum league in singles. I'm trying to find good players that I can keep learning a lot from. If you ever want to play some games, let me know. I'm always willing to listen to good advice too if there's any great zerg players out there Anyways, I'm happy to be on these forums. Hello everyone.
Welcome Huendin. come visit space junk or our other social sections if you dare. Leave the zerg outside though, Arzgoth might hug them too tightly. Also, they would smell the spiked cake. Want some cake?
Teh cake is a lie!!! D: oh whatever.. im also a zerg player and im in the gold league right now... the only reason why i played 1 v1 is because i wanted a zergling as my avatar-thing xD so i haven't played that many games but i will like to train with you.. you know a Zerg vs Zerg would be cool