Zerg Overview,Pt 1

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Swifty, Jul 24, 2010.

Zerg Overview,Pt 1

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Swifty, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Swifty

    Swifty New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    A little about me, and the purpose of this article;
    I am no pro, I play at platinum level and have room for improvement for sure, I haven’t played much SC until the beta for a few years, actually(having a son and growing up does that to people…)
    I’m no writer, I’m not writing this to boast “superior” knowledge or understanding, or to disprove anyone’s opinion. I just am In a mood, and want to write-and hopefully some of you will read and get a kick out of it, maybe see things from another perspective and try your game play on different levels. We’re all her to learn, have fun, and share our thoughts. I am writing a quick overview of the units and what I think about them. It may be wrong, it may be skewed. ****, it’s just for fun! After this I’ll go into detail my strategies, maybe my build orders, etc. My best thoughts come from direct answers. I need you guys to ask me things so I can deal with them specifically, as my brain is a whirlwind of thoughts, as you may tell by my writing. I’d much rather go off on specific tangents than broad ones! Without further ado…

    The Zerg;

    A zerg overview

    I’m writing this in light of the fact I often see people complaining that zerg is “weak”, “boring”, “not fun to play” and thing of the like. I am primarily a zerg player, and I was in SC BW as well. The zerg have changed, and feel different, but not altogether “unzergy”.

    They still have a swarm feel, and excel at flexibility and mobility. A great thing about zerg is the ability To fast expand, and keep that expansion with zerglings, queens, spine crawlers. Spine crawlers and a queen are a great defense, as the queens ability to transfuse is often overlooked. I think it’s 50 energy, and it restores 125 health at instant speed. Against a void ray rush, 2 queens with the ability to transfuse each other once and a small amount of micro can easily buy you time or defend against this. But I am getting away from what I’m trying to talk about. What am I trying to talk about? Forgive me, as some days I’m a bit jumpy and scatterbrained. Lets start with units.

    Overlord: Oldie but a goodie. It lose it’s ability to detect…Doesn’t bother me. Seemed kind of cheesy that DT’s were NEVER an option vs. zerg unless you went corsairs in BW. I’m happy with the change for the sake of the game. Use them throughout the game, and once you upgrade to lair, they are your little creep spreaders, very clutch. Flying farms. OLs. What more needs to be said about them?
    Overseer: Sweet. Sucks you need to morph it, sucks Ols don’t have detection anymore, but seriously what do you need detection for early game anymore? They can drop changelings, which are pretty cool and not used often. The big thing I want to mention is the addition of …
    Contaminate. Wow. This little gem is often overlooked. I’ve seen TLO(what a player!) use it on occasion, but he doesn’t play zerg anymore. 30 SECONDS of a building disabled. No upgrades, no units, no production. 30 seconds. 30 in game seconds. That’s just short of the time it takes to make a zealot. If you just had a decisive battle and need the edge, imagine contaminating 4 structures with 2 overseers. 4 barracks, 4 gateways…Nothing comes out or gets done for 30 seconds. That’s HUGE! I really want to utilize this and work it into my strategy, but there just so much stuff the zerg can do, with spreading creep, injecting larva, scouting, harassing, it’s hard to do. Check this spell out, it may surprise you.

    Zergling; This is the cheapest, fastest T1 unit. Early game speed upgrade and these little buggers are REALLY scary! They are cheap, and you should always have a few scouting the map, taking Xel Naga watchtowers, and sitting at your opponents ramp or natural. This gives you valuable intel and time to react or make some defense if you’ve been to focused on macro. A single zergling is 25 minerals. Would you pay 25 minerals to know what your opponent is doing at certain points of the map? To have vision? To hold a watchtower? They are even cheaper than workers. You only need one of the two you get to help you with any of the things I stated. Pretty great unit, right? Also, zerglings can surround easy, blocking off ramps, escapes, slice a melee army in half. They are extremely versatile, and I use them throughout the entire course of a game, as they can be upgraded after hive, too. Not to mention they can be morphed into banelings….
    Note: Upgrade speed early, it is extremely effective, and they are quite slow off creep.

    Baneling: BANES!!! I must admit, these looks clumsy, awkward, hard to use, not cost effective…I didn’t build a baneling until after I had played MORE than 100 games as zerg in phase 1! It shames me to say, because after getting a bit bored with my builds(when hydra still had NINETY HP, remember that? =) I used these in a game against protoss. They were going heavy zealot, with stalkers and sentries for backup. Well let me just tell you a small handful of these banes rushed into the zealots, and BOOM. I mean, BLAMMO! Wow, holy crap. These things are worth their weight in gold. They need to be micro’d and watched closely, and if you have more than like 5 or 6 at a time it can be a little pointless, as they need to explode at intervals to be effective. They are a GREAT support unit, and as for early game? Man, I go speedling/baneling bust against terran, and it works like a charm. Also, protoss like to block the ramp if they are teching to rays, are really anytime. Well timed banelings can destroy the blockade, take out a pylon to boot. 4 or 5 banelings will destroy 50-75% of a well saturated mineral line in a well placed, single blow. That’s anywhere from 12-16 workers I get on average. Usually, after this, an opponent will GG in dismay. With their speed upgrade, they are CLUTCH units. Not to be overlooked.
    Note: Speed upgrade is great, but if the game isn’t going in the baneling direction, or you just use them for light support or worker harass, you probably don’t NEEED it, but I always like faster units.

    Roach: Ah, the loveable and hateable roach. Truly a strange thing. I think the 2 manpower was justified. I mean come on, 75/25 for 145 HP, with range!? And sick upgrades?! They needed the nerfs they got, and are now a balanced unit. ZERG needed them to get nerfed, because it was half the reason everyone was saying “zerg are boring“. No, they aren’t boring, but you’d be a fool to think there’s any better strategy than going for arguably the most(at the time) cost effective unit in the game. And ZvZ? Lame. Roach vs. Roach. Wow. Fun. So with that said, they have been balanced, as they needed to be. The roach in SC2 is equivalent to the Hydra in SC BW. They are zerg’s bread and butter, there is no denying that. They are probably Zerg’s most effective way to spend minerals. You should ALWAYS have roaches to some extent, as they are your meat shields. Hydras are great, zerglings are great, but roaches just eat up damage so your other units don’t have to. Also they have range, which is nice. On top of it all, roaches have some really great upgrades making them viable through every stage of the game. Roaches with burrow and the ability to regen quick underground, and move underground, make them a force to be reckoned with throughout the course of the entire game. And their cost never increases. Late game, they are your best friend when you need every mineral to count.

    Hydralisk: Ah, the hydralisk, or “hydra”. Let me just reminisce real quick…Ah, yes *breathes deep* SC1 days….
    Anyways, the hydralisk are awesome. Extremely versatile as a unit, although they lost some of their magic when they lost 10 HP, and I think their damage was nerfed as well, even their range? I don’t remember every patch and such, but hydras are still clutch. They don’t have the speed upgrade anymore, which is a crushing blow in my opinion, but I also agree with it because it reinforces the “Creep mechanic”. Hydras are still quick on creep, they still deal great damage, they still attack ground and air targets. What can I say? Hydras are still a very crucial unit, although they have lost some of their “necessity”. I don’t find myself going for hydras unless I’m reacting to seeing air units, because the roach, also at 2 supply, is just a much better investment. I’ve tried going hydras vs. roach…I wouldn’t recommend it. 80 hp hydras vs. 145 hp roaches….do the math. They still have the range upgrade, which is crucial, because they really don’t have a punch without it, especially when off of creep as they move so slow. All things considered, still a great unit, not to be overlooked or underestimated. I hope in the next expansion they give the Hydra a little more love, some sort of upgrade…Maybe the storyline will fit in the speed upgrade, or something else that’s tricky *cough* LURKERS*cough*. (In all honestly, don’t expect to EVER see lurkers again in competitive online play, IMHO)
  2. Swifty

    Swifty New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Queen: Crap, kind of skipped over her. I could edit this and not write “oops I forgot” and slip it up there^ but hey, what’s the fun in that? The queen. All hail the queen. So glad they totally retooled the queen. It’s much more fitting. I mean, it’s a “hive” right? A Swarm, a colony. Think ants, bees…they have a queen. The queen of blades. It all fits better. Her role as a defensive unit and base support is great. In SC2, I think the Queen is one of the best units in the game. Her role fits so nice, her abilities are epic, and it just fits. Ok, enough about my queen love.
    The queen is essential for zerg, with spawn larva. You can SPAWN LARVA ON YOUR MINIMAP. The queen will walk to the closest hatchery not already spawning larva and inject it. This is awesome, and not widely known for some reason… Use it. Also, one of the top things on your mental list as zerg(or any race) is spawn larva(or mule/chrono boost). Energy is free, and it maxes out. You get great perks from using it, so make sure you’re not waiting an extra 10 energy to spawn. You let it slip like 6 times at 10 energy a piece, that’s 2 extra spawn larvas you’re missing out on. That’s a big deal. Prioritize this.
    Creep Tumor. Use this! Make a 2nd queen, so you can defend easier, transfuse each other or spine/spore crawlers in the event of an attack, and to spread that creepy *** creep. You really should prioritize this up with larva. You units are faster and more efficient on the creep, so why wouldn’t you want it everywhere? Once you get you basics down, larva and creep are just something that pings in your head, always remember to check them. It also keeps your APM up, which over time will help you play more efficiently(if you aren’t spamming just to say “oooo I have 250 apm I’m sooo cool.”)
    Transfuse. This is so overlooked, and I don’t know why. 50 energy, 125 HP. To any zerg unit or structure. This is a battle turning effect. Many people are on the cusp of killing that spine crawler, and think they got it…so close, they can win this battle, just barely, right? So they stick it out, sure they will squeak it out, only to have it regain 125HP once, even twice as soon as it gets in/close to the red. BAM. Crap, that messes that plan up. That’s a lot of HP for a few zealots, a handful of zerglings or marines. It is a tide changing effect that will save your *** more often than you’d think.

    Mutalisk: The mutalisk. I won’t go into much detail because if you’ve played SC at all, you probably know all about them. I feel like they’ve lost some of their magic in SC2. They just aren’t what they used to be, but maybe that’s good. They are still versatile, scary, and effective. They are a viable rush option, and can still win you many games. They seem to be killed easily, but considering the damage they can do and their versatility, it’s to be expected. In all honesty, I never use them that much. They just have never been my unit of choice. If I’d go mutas, I’d rather go brood lords ;)

    Infestor: Ah, infestor. Love em. We don’t have the defiler, but we DO have the infestor! They did get a nerf for the Neural Parasite, but most battles can be quick and decisive, and usually the unit you NP will get focused down rather quickly anyways, so I don’t notice any significant change, really. And Fungal growth. FUNGAL GROWTH OMG FTW. Great spell. Infestor was kind of retarded to start, but now has carved out a niche as a well rounded spell caster. You can support, you can harass…It really has shaped into a nice unit. Very happy with it.
    NP: Love it, but can be hard to use. Make sure you get burrow, as infestors are easy to kill, and you really want some units engaged in battle before you try to use this guy.
    Infested Terran: Sweet! They messed around with this, nerfed and buffed it, but I think it’s solid now. The IT’s last longer now, and give the infestor some protection, as well as some harassment options(burrowed infestors to mineral line, anyone?) AND you can spawn the IT’s WHILE burrowed! Pretty cool, not as cool as say, dark swarm, but I’ll take it. A handful of IT’s can swing the battle in your favor, pushing you just enough in a decisive confrontation.
    Fungal Growth: Wow. What is there that needs to be said? If you have used this in battle, you know it’s power. Stops enemies from moving, and deals damage over like…8 seconds? It’s great, especially melee units like Zealots and zerglings. If you haven’t yet, try this out a few times, you will surely be impressed.

    Ultralisk: I haven’t built a single ultraist after phase 1, I honestly won’t go into much detail with them as I don’t have much in game experience with them. I will say the addition of letting them bust through force fields was totally tech. That’s what I’m talking about. Great thing. I’ve heard mixed reviews about it, but the one game I did use it, it was TONS of fun! Although I’m still not convinced they are effective enough to see regular high level play. But again, a lot of fun, and ****-your-pants intimidating to see =)

    Corruptor: Sweetness. The whole strength in numbers thing kind of. The more they hit, the more that unit gets hurt, Like the mechanic, fits with the unit. Takes Colossi DOWN, which I really like, as I favor zerglings, as I said. They fly, which is always cool. They look great, very..well, downright creepy. They are kind of tough. They aren’t like “Corruptor FTW!” units, but, then again, they are the pre-requisite to my favorite, most sought after, most cherished and beloved unit in the game; the BROOD LORD. ^^

    BROOD LORD: The Zerg have always got the shaft vs. tanks. We dealt with it for years and countless games in BW vs. terran tanks.Reavers even. Guardians were great, I mean, lets fact it; they tore **** UP. But comparing Guards to Bls?It’s like comparing enormous, fat, droop to her bellybutton 50year old DD cups to some nice young perky 19year old C cups. Lets be honest. Brood lords are so great. They confuse AI, they are flying tanks, their attack deals TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE, AND it leaves behind broodlings, that keep dealing damage! I can’t say enough about these guys. I can’t believe they used to have 275 HP and 2 armor. LOL didn’t take a genius to figure out they’d get the nerf bat. I feel like they are balanced between being a supreme badass, and still vulnerable due to their decreased HP and slow speed. My game plan always is just leading up to getting these bad boys. If the game keeps going, ultimately my goal is to tech up to brood lords, as any zerg should. I’ve had more than one game where I tech rather quickly to these beasts, and as soon as I start attacking with say, 3 or 4, the player yells at me, calls me a ***, says zerg are OP, IMBA, then promptly rage quits. It’s quite entertaining, really. ^^

    So I’ve blabbered On about units, how I like them, what I think they are good for, and tried to generally give the zerg some sort of spicy appeal. I am too tired to keep writing right now, but I will follow up with my general in game strategies, maybe some build orders, some tips or tricks I do. I realize for some of you this is stupid, redundant, or not helpful as you may be as good, or better a player than I. That’s fine, and If you want to give my CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I openly welcome that. Please ask all the question you can think of, comments you think are appropriate, etc. I am only doing this because I love SC, always have. I’ve been here since the beginning, back in 98, and it’s been a fun ride. I was like 11 then. Since that time I’ve lived a lot of life, I even have on of my own now, a 3 year old, Wyatt, who is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve taken breaks, a couple years even one time, but always come back to this classic. I hope you guys at least get a kick out of this, just because we’re all here to game and share our passion that is star craft!
    See you all around

    P.S. I apologize for spelling errors, incomplete thoughts, tangents and the like.
  3. Mattbaumann777

    Mattbaumann777 New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    I agree that Brood Lords are awesome, but I totally disagree that the Roaches needed the nerf they got. They badly need to be brought back down to 1 supply. Simple reason: According to Blizzard, the Zerg are supposed to be a "swarm" and you simply can't swarm and overrun your opponent when you have half the units you had in Brood War. Especially when Brood Lords, the replacement for Guardians are 4 supply as opposed to 2. You need them to break through your opponent's barricades to let your ground units into the battle. For example, in Brood War, I could make a group of Guardians, say 12 of them for 24 supply, then I could 8 groups of 12 Hydras (96 Hydras), so 120 supply in total now. Then you use the remaining 80 supply for drones, magic casters, some air defense units, Lurkers to defend your choke, etc. You need those numbers especially against things like Terran Mech or a huge Protoss force. In Sc2, the same army would mean 12 Brood Lords is 48 supply, then you use Roaches as your main attack force since Hydras are slow, but either way, we'll get 50 Roaches, so that's 148 sypply. Plus around 30 for drones, 178, supply, barely leaving any left for Infestors or Corruptors or Hydras.
    Less units severely limits your army's flexibility and the types of attacks you can do. The Zerg basically become the "hit and run" vietcong instead of surrounding the opponent and overwhelming their defenses with pure numbers. The Zerg used to be the race where you could macro and attack someone head on. The front half of your army would get killed by their tanks or zealots, but then the back half of your army walks right in after them. That strategy isn't viable with smaller numbers. You attack, and even if you wipe each other out, you have to rebuild an army and give the opponent time to rebuild their defenses. Attacking the enemy from all sides, overwhelming their defenses with numbers, worrying your opponent with a massive army, etc, are not possible with fewer units. The Zerg are supposed to have expendable units that allow you to be more sacrificial with them in combat to match the other race's stronger units.
    Hydras are still a slight problem. I'm okay with Roaches taking over as the main foot soldier of the Zerg if they bring them back down to 1 supply. Hydras at 2 supply should do slightly more damage or at least get more health than a 1 supply Hydra from Brood War. Especially to make up for lack of cover from Dark Swarm. Another reason why you need those additional supplies after building an army of Roaches is that they can't double as air defense like Hydras did in Brood War, so you're more vulnerable to Carriers etc.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  4. Swifty

    Swifty New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    I like roaches the way they are, can you imagin how they'd be at one supply? I mean, seriously. 1 supply would be b-b-broken. The idea isn't to have so many units your opponents simplt can't deal with such a large number all at once, it's the ability to continually pump out units, reinforce, and also tech switching and composing your army differently as you rebuild. You can easily have double digit larva sitting around when you attack, making your NEXT attack simply too much to overcome. I like this better, rather than BW where youhad to build like 10 hatcheries to support your continuous onslaught. I know it sucks for roach to be 2 supply, but zerglings are 1 supply, and they compliment roaches greatly. Keep in mind roaches have range, great upgrades, and are as cheap as hydras used to be. I simply can't see justifying 75/25 with spawn larva as a 1 food. Yes, zerg ARE a bit more tactical now, they do need a little bit more strategy and thought than BW, but that's also a direction I want the game to be going.If you're worried about carriers, I think you'd have enough time to compose your army accordingly.
    With all the talk about AI, Pathing, and the removal of intense micro, I think zerg were in the right direction, and they were correct to do what has been done. I know the playstyle of "well, i know I'll lose half my army but the rest will get in anyways" was fun to play, but the new, more strategic and tactical gamestyle is just what I wanted!

    Less units DOES inhibit your ability to have a widely compose army, but the ability to tech switch IMMEDIATELY upon reinforcing and rebuilding a massive army surely stays true to zerg form. I don't like games that revolve around a single, massive attack after building up. I much prefer the strategy, the timing, the tech, the delicate balance that is starcraft. It took some getting use to, as the zerg certainly are different on first appearance, but I've grown to love their versatility even more.
    Also take into account zerg are meant to be the aggressive race, putting their opponents off balance from the beginning and keeping them on their tip toes until they eventually fall to the relentless and well thought out attacks. This is no longer BGH/late game play, it's evolved into something much more rewarding than that.
    Good points though, I hear your opinion echoed a lot. I'm not trying to disprove your opinion, I felt the same at first. After a few hundred games, though, I am happy with what we're working with now. We zerg are no loger mindless, unrelentless hordes-we actually have to use some brain power now! =D
  5. Swifty

    Swifty New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    This is true, but you can rebuild and overwhelm quickly. Also, saying the strategy is viable anymore...It is, but not in a way it was in BW. You can get the jump on them early game very easily with the spwn larva, especially if you FE and have a queen for each hatch. I think the playstyle you're referring to was really only for casual games, because back in BW, if I waited until i was 200 supply to attack, it was quite possible for my opponent to have a line of tanks for the ground, valks for the air, etc.
    For competitive play I feel it's working out quite beautifully. Just because the smash with so much stuff you can't win strategy isn't as easy with zerg or the same anymore, they have gained strategy and tact with spellcasters and things. Also take into account Xel naga watchtowers and Dest. rocks, which add diversity to the game. As a whole the game feels a little more rich, with more depth, and the rest of the game has changed accordingly.
    Love the feedback, good points!
  6. Mattbaumann777

    Mattbaumann777 New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    I think there will still be late game battles and some money maps with multiplayer online play. I like the idea of being more strategic too, but I feel the Zerg are reduced to a hit and run strategy because they lack the firepower to meet things like Terran mech head on. I think that one of the units, either Hydra or Roach should go back to 1 supply, and right now I'm leaning toward Roach because they are faster, and Hydra are slower off the creep and seem more like a defensive unit now.
    The problem with attacking, dying, rebuilding, attacking, dying, rebuilding, etc.. is that against something like Terran mech, your small army dies without really inflicting much damage on the Terran player if any ay all, and then you just throw another wave at him that gets killed again, really accomplishing nothing. The Zerg need some sort of 1 supply, footsoldier unit that attacks in numbers so they can compensate by "swarming" or overrunning their firepower and levelling the playing field. Also, with more numbers, you can attack in the front while sending more units behind to cut off their supply lines to prevent reinforcing.
    Protoss and Terran players in Brood War seemed to have no problem defeating Zerg even when their 1 supply foot soldier was a Hydra that could attack ground and air. That's why I feel the Roach should go back to 1 supply, since it is limited to ground and no matter if you're in the early game under 100 supply, or late game around 200 supply, you still have half the men and half the strategic flexibility than you used to. I mean, for all I care, Blizzard can give the Zerg a happy face for one supply that swarms the enemy.
    I feel the bottom line is that people want three races that are as different as possible. The Terran are still a mech force that is good at holding positions, the Protoss have strong but expensive science-fiction style warrior units, and the Zerg are supposed to be a massive force of cheaper more expendable units that is all around you like an infestation of ants in your house. Putting all the Zerg units at 2 supply besides Lings makes the game more like rock-papper-scissors where each unit counters another unit man-for-man instead of three distinct types of armies. It should go back to Terran and Protoss responding to massive Zerg numbers with their superior firepower, that's what makes them different.
    I think the Terran and Protoss units in Sc2 are just as good, if not better than Brood War units so I don't see how they would have a problem with attacking and defending against a Zerg army that is the same numbers and strength as a Brood War army. There's really no way you can attack Terran mech without Brood Lords in Sc2. I personally think the game would be more equal in Roaches went back to 1 supply as a swarming foot solider that can only attack ground, and Hydras got a health buff for being a defensive unit on the creep.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2010
  7. Prawn108

    Prawn108 New Member

    Jul 25, 2010
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    don't look up
    idk about the roaches... the only experience I can go off of is the mass amounts of commentator/analysis replays I've watched... but really it is a hard unit to balance. They have ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE HEALTH, RANGE, BURROWED MOVEMENT AND REGEN, and some kind of decent damage, idk what the number is. They gotta be 2 supply with what they are at right now. It's only fair, also considering their cost. Really, it is a damn difficult unit to balance. Props to you blizzard for putting it where it is. Think about it... it is incredibly OP in its current incarnation with 1 supply. that would be insane. If you want it to go back to 1 supply, they need to shaft you somewhere else. I love the health and I want to keep it. I love the burrow and I want to keep it, I love the range, and I love the damage. I don't want it to change. They don't need a buff, and a lateral shift might make them different than how I like them.
  8. Mattbaumann777

    Mattbaumann777 New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Yeah, I really have no problem with the Roach itself, I think it's a great unit. My only problem with the Zerg is that supply costs are higher for Hydras and Brood Lords too so you're going to end up with a smaller army than you had in Brood War. Brood War was nice because you had Hydras at 1 supply that could hit ground and air and turn into Lurkers. Now you get half as many Hydras at nerfed speed, no Lurker morph, half as many Roaches, and half the number of Brood Lords than you could have had with Guardians. Plus, Hydras are the same health (80) for 2 supply and don't have any protection from Dark Swarm. I think they need to do something with Hydras, such as give them a health buff if they plan on turning them into a defensive unit.

    The Zerg rely on the idea of power through larger numbers to match smaller armies with superior firepower that you get with Terran and Protoss. You can't outnumber your enemy when every unit is at 2 supply. I realize that lings/banelings still come at 1 supply but Terran get infantry at 1 supply also. I think the 2 supply is more justified with the Roach than the Hydra if you look at how it has better attack and health. What I'm trying to say is that they need some sort of unit similar to the Hydras in Brood War that were 1 supply so you could outnumber your opponent to remove his advantage of superior firepower by having larger numbers. You need to be able to storm an enemy position and have a fair chance of winning by outnumbering their guns.

    People say they put Roaches at 2 supply because people would go all Roaches. I don't see the problem with that though because people have been going all Hydras for 12 years with the original Starcraft and players have no problem countering them. Roachers are way more vulnerable because they can't attack back against air units. Plus, even with those cheap Hydras, you rarely saw players going 100% Hydras in every game. Most games I played, people used a combination of all units.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  9. Nerfday96

    Nerfday96 New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    great post, if you go straight to bl, what kind of time are we talking...3 minutes?
  10. skullkandy

    skullkandy New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    thank you for trying to find the good in zerg. I myself have been having trouble after I finally gave in and tried terran only to realize that every single unit has some cool special ability, combo, or synergy where as none of the zerg other than the infestor do.

    the only part that I really want to comment on is the queens' healing ability. Too bad it isn't automatically used and constant like the terran unit that does the same thing but is better in every single way. Now if the queen would automatically heal any nearby units on a constant basis like the terran drop ship then we would have a unit. This is just one example of how zerg units are inferior in every way.
  11. Mattbaumann777

    Mattbaumann777 New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    That's a good point. The Queen should be able to have the option of being set to auto-heal at least. I like the spawn larvae and creep tumor, but the healing is pretty weak.
  12. Swifty

    Swifty New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Sorry, I've been busy. Made it into Diamond leagues, but little time for internet otherwise. I will be writing a casual article soon on my playstyle, looking to you guys for questions and input, it's been great so far, thanks!
  13. Swifty

    Swifty New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    On an unfortunate side note, I decided this morning after lots of playing, reading and replay watching, that I may be switching to protoss or terran, for the simple reason that I feel they require slightly less skill and micro to play. It's ironic that in trying to find the great in zerg, and talking about them being undervalued, I find myself leaning farther away from them. Higher level play makes small mistakes with zerg much more punishable. I may try switch my strategy to being a little less agressive, and more macro orienteed as opposed to mirco/macro. We'll see. I can't help but love the abilities like cloak, blink, psi storm, stim,nukes,BCs, Carriers, force field....The list goes on. It is becoming apparent zerg really does need something else.In the meantime I'm going to try my roach/spling/overseer contaminate build a little more, as It's sure fun and effective when it works right =)
    GL HF!