I just beat a protoss in a well drawn out game. I feel like I was winning for most of the game, but only slightly. I am ranked 6 in the platinum league If anyone would like to take the time to comment on my replay, I'm just looking for criticism and critique of my gameplay, and how I can improve. Thanks guys, and I'm a pretty good zerg player, so if you want me to critique any replays of yours in return, just send me a message.
Interesting game. The Toss player surely wasn't platinum? Things I liked: - You spread creep like a madman giving you decent sight - At the start of the game you noticed an opening and damaged his economy Things i didn't like - You sent banelings against his nexus. Banelings are only good against toss if they are attacking probs, cannons or light units. - You didn't upgrade ! The only reason his stalker spam lasted more than 1 fight was because he focused on upgrades. - You let a stalker spammer last that long >> - You built lots of roaches against stalkers which is a big no no as stalkers are really a counter to roaches especially with upgrades. Cracklings (If you'd upgraded) would've finished that much faster. - You didn't tech up or change units when you had beaten your head against his army many times. - You neglected your economy, most bases had very few workers and no gas. If he had built 1 colossus you would've lost as upgraded beams melt unupgraded zerg. You've got a reasonable strat however a bit of practise on economy management, tech and counters would help you alot. Though APM is not really a measure of how good you are since most players spam right click for it, getting your APM higher would really assist economy. Might I suggest an energy drink Sorry for being harsh but hopefully you gain something from what I said to improve your game .
What I found is usefull is leaving burrowed zerglings (in the minerals themself so he can place a base there) all over the battlefield. Then when your oppoment knocks up his expo. You send in either speedlings, mutas or infestors to wreck it. This leads to either your oppoment turtling (and wasting resources) moving his army to his expo (making a attack on his base easier) or simply not expanding (which lead to a weaker ecomany on his part). Reguardless it can make life much easier. Oh and upgrade more. The basic upgrades are dirt cheep and can make a huge diffrence in the long game, there few excuses not to least have at least full tier 1 upgrades by the latter game.
Agreed. How many times I saw him expanding with a burrowed zergling just to attack it. ^^ Of course you need a stronger army than your opponent or a very fearful opponent for this to work. Except, and this happens sometimes, they take an expansion far away from their base, hoping you don't see it. This is very funny if I see it with the zergling
I don't know. The zerg have plenty of fast units. Sometimes you can be in and out before his main forces arive.
You know, building 2 nydus nests and putting them at 2 different expos will almost guarantee you a base kill.