Zerg larva

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by vorius, Apr 27, 2010.

Zerg larva

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by vorius, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. vorius

    vorius Guest

    Am I doing something wrong with Zerg larva?

    I selected a group of larva by either clicking the convenience button on the hatchery or box-selecting them, and then I press a button to morph them into some unit but only the first drone from the selection group gets the command. The rest remain as larva.

    Is this some bug?

    It's supposed to issue the morph command to the entire selection
  2. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    This is new for SCII you have to press the morph button each time you want a larva to morph.
  3. vorius

    vorius Guest

    You mean this is actually intended to behave like this? You've got to be kidding me...

    It's like expecting us to group select 12 carriers and then right click the spot you want to move them 12 times

    Or selected a group of 24 sentries and expecting us to click the 'blink' hotkey 24 times

    Why would they do something like this intentionally? :wacko:
  4. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    1. to make it equal MBS
    2. to be able to morph a variety of units

    It makes more sense than only having to give the command once.
  5. vorius

    vorius Guest

    Hi, what does it mean "MBS" ?
  6. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Multiple Building Selection. It's basically the same thing as what Zerg had in SC with the larva which didn't work for the other races. Now the races are equal in this respect as well.

    And about the number of orders, think about it. With the current system you can select all the larva and cherrypick which units you want. If it worked how you appear to prefer it, you would need to select larva(e) every time you wanted to select a different unit to morph.
  7. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    All you need is highlight the larvae and press "DDDDDD" to make five drones. It's no where near as complicated as you seem to think. In fact, it's far better than the alternative. If you're a player of any skill then you're not going to be wanting to make masses of the same unit especially in a hard-counter game like SC2.

    Relax and give something a little time to get used to.
  8. vorius

    vorius Guest

    Why not allow Zerg maintain this advantage from Sc1? We really dont want to make the races equal do we? Variety is the spice of life!

    As for issuing orders for different units - this was not handicapped in SC1 so it wouldn't be handicapped here either.


    a) I want to build one drone (single order)
    SC1: either select a larva directly, or click the button on hatchery to select all its larva and click the icon to isolate one of them, then click morph drone button. COST (1 click + 1 click)
    SC2: either select a larva directly, or click the button on hatchery to select all its larva, then click the morph drone button (1 click + 1 click)

    b) I want to build 3 hydralisks, 3 drones, 3 zerglings. (small mix)
    SC1: either select each hatchery and click it's button to select all 3 of it's larva or box select he 3 larva at each hatchery, then click the morph button once, for each unit (3 clicks + 3 clicks)
    SC2: double click a larva to select all larva on screen then click a button for each unit (1 doubleclick + 9 clicks)

    c) I want to build a army of 12 hydralisks. (mass production)
    SC1: either double click a larva to select all larva on screen (max 12) or box select as many larva as you can. Press morph hydralisk button once. (COST: 1 doubleclick/1 box select + 1 click)
    SC2: either double click a larva to select all larva on screen (max IDK) or box select as many larva as you can. Press morph hydralisk 12 times. (COST: 1 doubleclick/1 box select + 12 clicks)

    Now, I am sure the most common scenario any of us Zerg players face is scenario C - where we want to pump out batches of the same unit at the same time. But even in scenario B where we do a little mix, SC1's interface is superior in that it is more efficient for the player.

    With SC2's bizarro anti massing interface, it handicaps players in the most common situations. And the only argument supporting this is that it may make it a little easier for the extremely rare and questionable situation where a zerg player has masses of larva and wants to build units one by one.

    makes no sense to me
  9. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    You're assuming your hatcheries have 3 larvae when in actuality they can have any number you can think of (but is basically limited to 0-7/8 in all seriousness), so scenario b does not work in SC2 competitive play. Plus you are not taking into consideration extremely fast mouse movements and larva writhing, which would make manual selection hard and/or time consuming.

    Scenario c does not exist in competitive play.

    Long story short, the cases where the old system would be superior to the new one are increasingly less common the higher you go in level of play, so practically they become the extreme cases. Remember the campaign offers lore and initiation for newbies. The multiplayer offers a platform to duke it out with others and perfect your skills. And then there's e-sports. What I'm saying is that Blizzard does not try to cater for novice players with the multiplayer (though they do have idle workers and such, which give the ground for hardcore enthusiasts to complain about SC2 being too easy to play), so do not expect mechanics that only make sense in low-skill games.
  10. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I'm not a Zerg player at all. But the few times I played Zerg in SC1 I wanted to click on 3 larvae and make 2 hydras and 1 a zergling. And can't do that. I had to select 2 make hydras and then select the last one a zergling. quite annoying. From that point of view the SC2 mechanic for this is way better.

    And as a bous it forces you to get out of the habit of massing the same unit. Which helps you to play SC2 better. And what DeckardLee said - you should read well. He said it well. If you learn the hotkeys then it takes like a second to press DHMM or whatever the hotkeys are. And for once I'm going to say this is a change in SC2 for the better.
  11. Subversion

    Subversion New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    dude the SC2 mechanic is much, much better.

    Now you can group all your hatcheries under one 1 control group, hit select larva and it will come up with like 12 larva. You want 8 mutas and a few hydras? just spam "t" a few times and then "h". It is so, so much easier. Most people don't "click" their hatcheries they just hotkey them, selecting individual larva wastes a lot more time than having to spam "z" when u want to make tons of zerglings.

    Just try it dude. It takes about 2 secs to hit one key 12 times. This SAVES you time.