Zerg help vs Terran pls

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Dravion, May 11, 2010.

Zerg help vs Terran pls

  1. Dravion

    Dravion Guest

    Hi there.

    Ok, I'm really sick of loosing against Terrans.
    I loose almost 9 out of 10 games against Terran. Always the same. They barrikade themselves in with 2 depos, 1 barracks and a few bunkers at their choke point. Zergling Rush impossible. Also tried to bomb the barricade away with banelings, but always failed to do so. Would have to rush it with at least 30 banelings to break through this ****.

    So.... I can't really scout out my opponents base. Don't know what he is building. And Overlords are just so damn slow and Marine-Fodder...

    So I blindly start pushing Hydralisks and Tech for Mutalisks. But every damn game at about 11 Minutes he rushes me with over 9000 Valkyries or Banshees or Dropships loaded with tons of marauders. At this point I always ask myself "Isn't the Zerg supposed to overwhelm with shear numbers??" He easily out-techs and outnumbers me in 11 Minutes.

    I don't know what to do against Terran. Would be very grateful for any help.
    It's always the same. I can't get into theirs base with a rush because their blockade is up in under 2 Minutes and I can't outnumber them because somehow their units are cheaper, faster etc. etc. he always rushes me with tons of air units and drop ships after about 11 Minutes.
  2. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Herp derp, expand more, macro better, and use the queen ability to spawn larvah.
    Get lair, overlord speed, and fly an overlord over your opponents base.
    Try watching your replays where you lost, and see if your macro is ok and if you're spending all the cash and keeping up in exapnsions.. Or just play more.. although you HAVE to know what you're doing wrong and it's hard to tell from what you've said..
  3. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    if he outnumbered you, that means you didn't mine enough. if he completely walled off, tech up to air.
  4. Dravion

    Dravion Guest

    Of course I use the Queen Ability to spawn Larva.

    I also read many forum posts. Some suggest blowing up the turtle with a good baneling rush. Have tried that, tried the suggested build... but the shear number of banelings required for it to work puts you so much behind in unit production (I mean.. banelings pop and then they are gone and you are left with nothing), whilst the terran is already pumping air units. So the baneling-rush does not work for me.

    I also use hotkeys etc. so I'm not too slow or anything like that.

    I tried some games with a different crazy tactic against these turtlers. I figured "hey.. when I see him turtle, that means he is not coming to attack."

    So I scouted... I see he turtles himself good.... I immediately rush for Hydralisks. I totally skip building Zerglings or anything like that, I just push the Lair, push a Queen, push the Hydralisk Hive and then start pumping hydralisks. By the time he comes with his massive air-attack, as usual, I have my 20+ Hydralisks ready with burrow and pop them out just as he enters my base. His force gets raped, my 2nd xpansion goes into works and 5 minutes later I Nidus-Worm his back and swarm him with 40+ Hydras.

    That has worked very well for me now the last 3 games against Terran Turtlers.

    The big flaw is that if the Terran does Turtle but then rushes he gets me totally off guard. It's way too risky to rely on.

    Any better Idea on how to counter Turtling, Choke-Pointing, Mass-Airing out of Turtle?
  5. Subversion

    Subversion New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    I must say I got so frustrated with this I actually switched races.

    I just get so annoyed by Zerg's lack of scouting until lair-tech - u just don't know if u should be building some roaches for an early attack, or rushing to defend some air cheese. It's really frustrating.

    I found the best thing to do is play a macro game - get a 14pool, 15hatch at your natural. As soon as your natural finishes throw down 2-3 spine crawlers there. This should keep you well defended against any silly early pushes.

    Get a evo chamber and throw down some spore crawlers. Make sure you get 2 queens, and make a creep highway between your 2 bases a priority. This will hold off any stupid air rush attacks.

    Now while doing this you should be getting to Lair asap, so you can then finally scout the bases with Overseers and/or Overlord speed.

    Then just build whatever is appropriate - you sohuld always have +1base to your opponent.
  6. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    too much static defense, IMO. zerglings would defend an initial rush better than spine crawlers, and they don't use up drones. just keep enough to take out any scouts or harrassment. if they're going for a serious rush then pump more zerglings.

    otherwise, tech up to roach or mutas.

    and 100 minerals to sacrifice an overlord to get early scouting (even if it's kinda slow) is generally worth it. most people are willing to sacrifice a 50min worker, and even though they're faster they often don't see anything important before they die.
  7. Galaxy.ein

    Galaxy.ein New Member

    May 3, 2010
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    6pool and you won't have to deal with it.
  8. Subversion

    Subversion New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    lol galaxy ;)

    in response to asdf, it might be better to scout 1st and check out what he's got, but zerglings are very ineffective vs zealots. also, it may use 2 drones but if u make lots of zerglings, u use a lot more than 2 larva, and larva = drones.

    I believe spine crawlers are better for the FE defense cos u wanna saturate those 2 bases asap.

    dravion try to remember zerg is all about the macro game. the longer the game goes on, the better off a zerg player should be.
  9. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    well better start practice AI for awhile hahaha
  10. Dravion

    Dravion Guest

    I used the 6pool strategy and was able to win 7 games straight with it.

    My eary 6 zerglings rush the enemy base. If its Protoss I usually can destroy his pylons before his first zealot is finished. Then its gg. If the map is larger and I come in late, I still manage to harras his economy a lot. Then I have a headstart and go for roaches and mutalisks with an early expansion. This has worked great for me.

    Against Terran, the 6pool rush sometimes works. If I reach him fast and he hasn't blocked his ramp yet I can get in and rape his economy. But if he has blocked the ramp I retreat and begin to fast expand.

    Now here comes the problem...

    I did exactly this and what happend? I fast-expanded, so did he. I could not get in because I laked the units to (fast expanding soaked up all my money to rush him further). At 11 Minutes my 2 bases were set and I had 12 Hydralisks and 14 Mutalisks ready to go........ when the Terran came at me with 15 Marauders and 10 Thors.

    This is no joke. I was overrun bei 10 Thors after 11 Minutes.

    Now what?
  11. Odine

    Odine New Member

    May 7, 2010
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    This is kind of unrelated, but I to have had serious issues against Terran. You can't even 6pool them before they can block off that choke point with a supply depot.

    I haven't played SC1 in a long time, but did all those maps have 1 choke point as well? I coulda sworn they didn't. EVERY SC2 map I've played has a skinny choke point. Its annoying and takes a lot of versatility out of the game imo.
  12. Fslb

    Fslb New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    If he is turtling in, you can keep a scout to see when he goes to grab his natural expansion. Few terran players get a lot of static defense at their natural while it is being built. When you know its in progress push forward. HARD. Throws them into defense mode and pauses the expo. Meanwhile zerg should always at least be +1 base. So essentially you are merely keeping him defensive and forcing him to use his main base resources until later game he needs to expand desperately and is resource starved. AKA a macro game.
  13. Arc

    Arc New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    your late game should be better, cash in some broodlords for siege tanks and marines, then mass muta, fight for map control, if he goes mass battlecruiser, go for infestors
  14. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    I don't think you understand how risky a 6 pool is. By the time you get your 6 zerglings out, the enemy will have like 12 workers, meaning his mineral income is double yours. So if the 6 pool fails and you don't win or kill half his workers, you are going to be extremely far behind in resources for the next 10 minutes, even if you expand (and how can you even call an expansion after a 6 pool "fast"? that would be one of the slowest expansions a zerg can get...)

    But no, the correct answer to a turtling terran is three things:
    1) a REAL fast expo (like place it right when your spawning pool finishes, or even before)
    2) tech to lair
    2) suicide an overlord into the enemy base to see what he's getting