Zerg Evolution

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Aurora, Nov 2, 2007.

Zerg Evolution

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Aurora, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    This is something I’ve been thinking about for some time now. If you look at the rate the Zerg evolve, they are going insanely fast. When the Overmind was created, the Xel’ Naga were surprised about it being so smart. So smart that it eventually almost destroyed them.

    The Overmind assimilated all kinds of creatures into the Swarm, but didn’t they gain any additional intelligence from being linked to such an intelligent being as the Overmind? And now that Kerrigan controls the Broods, she has started to assimilate people to. When the Overmind did this, they just became mindless suicide units. Kerrigan seems to know how to overcome this, as she already showed by infesting Duran and that Templar. (I don’t remember his/her name now, but I mean the one which Zeratul trusted so much)

    So why aren’t the Zerg more intelligent yet? In the next Starcraft 10 years will have gone by since Brood Wars. The Zerg will probably have assimilated some new species into the Swarm, but will Kerrigan have allowed them to become more then mindless brutes? As we can see in the movies so far, she hasn’t. But wouldn’t it be cool to have some “intelligent†Zerg units around? It would probably set the storyline wide open to, since they will be able to understand technology to a certain level to that way. The Protoss and Terran wouldn’t be the only ones to go Xel’ Naga Artefact hunting that way. The Zerg would have another weapon this way and pose new threats to the galaxy.

    What do you guys think about this one? (but don't take it waaaaaay to seriously, it's really just about the lack of not super beastlike units for the Zerg ;))

    :gossip: :gossip:
  2. dragusinb

    dragusinb New Member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    IMHO there will be intelligent new characters for the Zerg. With all that the usual combat units will still be let's say rather "stupid" :) The zerg are after strong armies which are easy to control... That means basically mindless monsters IMHO...
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The Overmind didn't assimilate the Terran to be suicide bombers, they were Infested. There is a big difference between Infestation and Assimilation. Infestation is where the Zerg actually gain control of another units (in this case Terran) by using another organism to take over the host. Assimilation is where the useful parts of the targets genes are taken and added to the Zerg swarm. Assimilated units are part of the Swarm, and made directly from the Hatchery, Lair or Hive. Infested units were originally not part of the Swarm, and they have to be made from other sources, not the Hatchery or whatever.
    Also, the Overmind was the collective intelligence of the whole Zerg Swarm, wasn't it? As in it knew everything that they knew. This would mean that the Overmind would not be able to make the Zerg intelligent, because it was the Zerg that made the Overmind intelligent.
  4. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    sorry, but it you got the years wrong its four years not 10, besides that i dont see why not some of the terrans DNA were fit to serve the zergs.