Zerg End Game Economical : Zerg Drone Top Tier Upgrade/Morphing Ability.

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by ShdwyTemplar, Jul 26, 2007.

Zerg End Game Economical : Zerg Drone Top Tier Upgrade/Morphing Ability.

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by ShdwyTemplar, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    In light of the new Balance with all the races it seems that the Zerg could make a top tier upgrade that would allow Drones to morph into two separate, yet, weaker versions of a Drone that would allow more economical value (2x Mineral/Gas mining for 1 Drone) in the end game. Each of these versions would count as 1/2 a unit food. Considering the Drone was 1 food count these would be morphed from that 1 count (Allowing for more of the Zerg Swarm to be spawned.). The cost would be the same as making a Drone, but would produce the two lesser versions . Making each of them cost half that of a Normal Drone or getting one Drone for Free and one for the full cost. Another part to balance this would be that the Drone would lose half its max hitpoints allowing for an easier death. It would have the same Armor/Attack as the normal Drone. (Why lose armor/attack while morphing into a form with basic DNA strand?) Finally, it would have the same Building/morphing ability as the Drone as it is still nonetheless a Drone. It can gather, it can return, therefore it can build/morph. All this is considering the fact that as of now Blizzard has announced that the Zerg/Terran would not get a Superunit, so, why not give them an advantage or two over the Protoss. Note : This idea is for the Zerg and in no way reflects my other Idea for the Terran. More on that later. This is a crazy idea, but an idea nonetheless. So to summarize that paragraph. :p Here's hoping for Feedback as well.

    Tier 2-3(Edited from End Tier) Morph : Zerg Lesser Drone [Insert Different Name]
    Morphs From : Zerg Drone | Hp: 20 | Armor : 0 | Ground Attack :5 |
    Cost : 50 Minerals | Morphs Into: [Insert Zerg Building Names]
    Food Count : 1/2 |
  2. kehmdaddy

    kehmdaddy New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    That's a very interesting idea. It's risky, so the drawback of having a whole bunch of easily killed workers does make up for the huge advantage it would give. This would definitely be unfair if it were not late game, but I like the sound of this. I doubt this will be something Blizzard will add to the Zerg, but it would definitely make for an interesting ability and really bolster the unique race personalities that Blizzard is looking for. Good thinkin, :powerup:.
  3. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Well I came upon this idea when I was thinking. The Zerg gonna be what they are, a Swarm, and have lots of units being spawned, morphed, killed, ect. With this in mind the Zerg would be spending extremely large amount of minerals and gas.
    So why not give them a better source of economy. The fact that there a blood-thirsty and deadly Swarm of Creatures from all corners of the galaxy does not mean they don't have a weakness. That being they will run out of resources eventually. So why not make them gather the needed resources at that moment so they can increase the Swarm at that moment and crush the opposition at that moment. Not when they are knocking at your door with a fiery pizza of death.
  4. kehmdaddy

    kehmdaddy New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Also, with them being a Swarm, this mechanic would help show that, as the Drones can multiply to two units and thus make the Zerg have larger numbers. Don't want to let those Zerg knock at your door with a fiery pizza of death, no sir.
  5. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Well, if the Drones were able to mutate, I'd expect them to have much earlier. Also, if Drones could mutate/divide, why not lings, hydras, mutas, etc? I'm not talking about the gameplay mechanics here, but just story wise. The reason they could only make one with a larva was because their DNA was about as complex as a normal wild animal, while those of the lings/scourge were so simple it was possible to make a clone at the same time without unwanted side effects. The rest however, were too complex creatures to divide without a significant risk of deformities. It could be a good idea, but it doesn't seem to be too realistic to me.
  6. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Well another thing to consider here is the fact that this is a few years after the original Starcraft, so, the Zerg Drone could have it's DNA strand evolved or a new animal may have been absorbed into the swarm allowing for the basic DNA property of the Drone to be enhanced to allow this morph/ability. Though, yes, I see your point about how the DNA does play a role in the Zerg evolution/absorption/mutation. :p
  7. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    It's possible that they evolved or have a new type of drone from a completely different DNA strand, I'll give you that. As for the stats, I could see you put in a lot of work into that, but for the health, nearly any well-planned rush/drop can kill off workers easily, regardless of their health, as they'll usually be templars, reavers, tanks, lurkers, etc. that do a lot of AOE damage. And as for the food count, that seems like something more useful in the early game. By the late game, you usually have enough overlords to have a x/200 population limit, and judging from my own and many others' experiences, it's very hard to get to the 200 mark, as your units are too busy getting killed. I think this could be better if it was for early game. Either stick with the tougher drones but have less of them, or take a risk and get the weaker ones, but having twice as much as the original. So if you stick with the normal ones you have a greater chance of the drones surviving the attack, or you could use the weak ones for faster economy and building, but with a greater chance of them being wiped out by an attack.

    BTW, welcome to the forums.
  8. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Taking into consideration the AoE damage ability this morph/ability would be optional to the original Zerg Drone so that you could have both normal and lesser Drones. Though your correct that by End Tier AoE attacks would be regular.(Mothership for example.) Thinking about it these could be used more for expansion in Tier 2-3 rather than End Tier as they would be a way to quickly get expansion bases out. So I see your reasoning for the earlier Tier rather than End Game as by End Game three things would have happened. 1. Most minerals/gas in the map would be gone. 2. The buildings you would have a need to build by End Tier would be built so getting a overload of Drones would just be a waste of precious minerals at that End Tier. 3. As you stated AoE attacks will be coming in from all directions so the earlier you get them the better. On another comment about the AoE all the units save Lurker and Tanks AoE could already instantly kill drones as it is so that Argument is purely non-existence. Though with the newer more powerful units coming into SC2 I can see the AoE as a problem.On a side note one question I have is there a way to Edit Thread Titles I would like to Edit the Title to Relay the direction of this Thread so as to not discourage people from it. As it seems the Idea of this being End Tier does not seem so balanced as I first thought.
  9. timedragon888

    timedragon888 New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    I think perhaps instead of the zerg drone morphing into two lesser drones, why don't the larvae evolve into 2 separate lesser drones, like zerglings? If it does, then the player will automatically get 2 drones instead of having to manually split them apart (and it takes time too). Look at it this way. Compare morphing the larvae into one stronger zergling before taking time to split them apart instead of instantly morphing the larvae into two zerglings at once.