zerg beta build thoughts

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Bthammer45, Feb 20, 2010.

zerg beta build thoughts

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Bthammer45, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    So what are your current thoughts on the zerg beta build.

    building placement

    The biggest thing i can see is the infestors abilities seem to lack the punch to be useful and if they brought back the ability to mind control any unit it would make them shine.

    I love the placement and the temperament of the new roach but it seems to be overshadowing the lings a little too much but their placement is enough to change the course of the game make the other player have to react (i really like them) and their not as bad as people are making them out to be compared to what the zerg has to deal with.

    Lower the cost of the overseer by about 50 gas it was really just so all overlords wouldn't have detection.

    The nydus should be made on the creep it would make the player setting it have to multitask with a overlord and worm.

    It seems that when heavy air is spammed like battle cruisers and carriers even with mass corruptors its still hard for the zerg to defend against them now that scourge are out.

    I like the whole queen mechanic.

    bane lings seem underused but I think that's just because people don"t know how to use them (same with zerglings)

    They seem the most limited on builds they can do compaired to the other races in sc2.

    I personally have not played but iv seen a bunch of players play and would love to hear from those who have acutely played the game.
  2. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I think the hydras seem a bit too strong v. ground, I've seen a few games where 15-20 hydras just plow thier way into a terran base who has more marines and marauders.

    Zerg seems too weak against air. A terran going mass air usually wipes out any zerg anti-air very quickly. Even mass corrupters/hydras get decimated my a decent sized terran air force. However, the Brood Lord seems to be able to do its job rather well, and is a good support unit my making units concentrate on killing the broodlings.

    Queen seems good, but doesn't have good fighting capabilities. I've seen spawn larva and creep tumors used in every match, but not sure what the third skill is.

    I haven't seen the corrupter being used yet, so I can't comment on it.
  3. FFenix

    FFenix New Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Banelings are a joke, 20 dmg splash on suicide for 50/25? They are useless against all units except workers. Don't even say lings, cuz in a zvz it's roaches which dominate. Banelings are only effective so far taking down buildings. Mainly supply depots, especially those ppl who put them up front on their ramp. Aside from that I can see why they are rarely used. They need to up the dmg is at least 40 to be effective, as they usually die before they hit their target.

    Nydus mechanic is really awesome in my opinion. opening several worms in multiple locations using changlings to ninja locations. I like the fact u can load and unload so easily making taking out a few buildings before your enemy notices.

    I also agree overseers are dang expensive to make. Decreasing the cost for detection would help a LOT.

    I don't find bcs/ carriers much of a problem as hydras should take care of that. I don't find myself using corruptors that much either.

    Mutas are the same as before, but with the new units like hydras being buffed, the mutas seem to have lost a bit of it's purpose.
  4. marcusrodrigues

    marcusrodrigues New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    The Queen third skill is to heal building for a lot of HP... don't remember exactly how much. It could be very usefull, but sadly, the Queen is the first unit to die when your base is attacked :-(

    I think Hydralisks are awesome against air, in fact their attack has bonus against air.

    I agree Overseers are too expensive, and I even think they should keep the ability to spawn creep once they evolve.

    I don't use Banelings. Don't really know why, if I am not used to them, or because the Zerglings themselves are good enough for me.
  5. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    I just saw an awesome FFA with 4 players. Lumi from starcraftmethod won - he has like 150/200 only banelings and destroyed an entire players base in about 10 seconds. GG!

    Edit: void rays are really powerful grouped
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2010
  6. Therock

    Therock New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    I love the zerg, but I think the Roach are a bit overpowerfull.

    They are only 75m/25g to build, they have 145hp, when burrowed they recover hp so quick that you can't even kill them when someone microing them with borruwing, they move while burrowed with an update that make them a bit too sneaky.

    Almose every game I've seen with zerg, they go for the early Roach rush and it's almost unstopable. No one have detector quick enough to detect them, so they just burrow, and going in your base and just destroy your miners in 10 seconds. Even if you have an army, when you hit them and they are about to die, they burrow and get back to 145hp in like 3-4 secondes.

    I don't know if someone else feel that way about them but I think the Roachrush's a bit abused around by good player who macro them well... Solution can be a lot of balance thing like making them later in the game or make them with less healt or not with that ultrafast regen or not moving while burrowed or I don't know... Can be a lot of thing to try but every good macroplayer with zerg abuse of roachrush and it's kinda annoying cause nobady seen able to conter them.

    Btw, I've not played it cause I don't have key, I'm just telling that cause I'm looking at stream like ALL THE TIME (lmao), so maybe it just look like overpowerfull cause nobady have contered that rush yet but maybe it's not. Just wanted to point that out to see if other people have noticed those "unbalanced roach".
  7. Rebel Head

    Rebel Head New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    I have already posted this on the beta section, but I thought it can be talked about more specifically here. I am worried about the corruptor, it has lost its ability to turn air units into stationary turrets that fight for you and replacing it, it has the ability to temporarily disable buildings. I think this change is a bad move, and the corruptor should retain its old ability back to make it a more effective air counter. However, I do like the new ability it was given, but I really feel it should be moved from the corruptor and given to the infestor. Agree, or disagree?
  8. necromas

    necromas New Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    I think the corruptor is just fine as it is, maybe with some number tweaking. Turning kills into turrets would just be too hard to balance because it's strength and usefulness wold vary hugely depending on the specifics of the situation.
  9. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I agree its mainly the number tweaking that's needed.

    I think if they tweaked the roach so it does 11 +5 versus light and bring the lurker to tier 2.5 it would balance the zerg out a bit .

    make zerglings have 40 health

    banlings are good versus buildings they do 80 per explosion and do splash (4-5 can take out a bunker/SD placment) and they can detonate while burrowed
    They are also good versus all bunched up light units doing 35 aoe damage so 2 or 3 can level a playing field (only to enemy units)

    remember hydras only have 80 health they die pretty fast to aoe and anti light

    Also the need to come up with something that rivals the defiler in terms of usefulness for the infestor but this has been said about 50 billion times
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2010
  10. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Everyone says that but I think Im starting to simply want to be shown how good it could be.

    I could see so many usful strats, like loading a few into overlords and spamming marines in there base and then attacking their front. (if they still have the marine ability)
  11. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    I mentioned it in my thoughts - The marines suck. They're designed, I think, to soak up fire, not to do much damage.

    The Infestor's Fungal Growth is the only skill worth keeping on it IMO. Neural Parasite pretty much blows.
  12. Ballistixz

    Ballistixz New Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    LOL your joking right? please tell me your joking with the baneling comment. this is why i must face palm and roll in agony at the site of most zerg players im seeing on the streams in beta massing purely roachers or massing purely hydras. they have no clue or idea on the usefullness of other units like banelings and such. and i barely see anyone abusing the inject larva ability of the queen.

    anyway to get a good idea on how usefull banelings is watch the matches where david Kim (dayvie is his name in beta) is playing... they do 80 dmg to buildings so early game they can destroy any kind of wall terrans might put up as if it wasnt there and they RAPE marines. they do splash dmg to enemy units but no splash dmg to ur own units so u can safely blow stuff up while ur lings are atking at same time. this is almost guaranteed to destroy ANY early game terran pushes. all you need is enought banelings and enought roaches or zerglings to back them up with. actually banelings are best used in conjunction with roaches. while the rines/marauders are busy atking the roachers u can roll in the banelings and just take everything out while doing splash dmg. it only takes 2 banelings to kill 1 marine. and w/e the banelings didnt kill the roaches will clean up.

    u can also uses mutas+banelings. or hydras + banelings. banelings is FAR from a useless unit and the sooner these beta zerg players realize that the more games they will win. just watch any of David kims beta matches to realize that.

    mutas are also more powerful in sc2 mainly because u can mass select them now.
  13. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I think if they swapped the corruption ability with the infestor, made its mind control work on every unit but have diminishing returns, and made its ensnare a little bit better it would be awesome.

    Put the mind control ability as a upgrade and lower their cost

    As for the corruptor I think it should get something else in terms of abilities like spores that do more damage to the unit that its been placed on and they should be a bit cheaper.