Okey so this is from ALL zerg to all TERRAN..If you play as terran and decides to go for fast AIR just because zerg lacks air defense...DONT EVER EVER EVER EVER say afterwards "i am good" because you should be saying "i am 9 years old, which got a 3 cm big **** and i got 2 fathers" allright? Good..So remember to say that after u go for a CHEAP move.
I know how he feels, I tried Baneling Busting a Terran's WallOff then sending in Speedlings, was doing ok until they got Banshees, then they turned it around in no time. Was a bit sh*tty.
mass queens, rush to spire? build spore crawlers, rush to spire? rush to hydralisk? do a barrel roll?
It's like you're actively trying to make him a worse player. Everyone knows you should use the boost to get through.