I'm a Zerg player and I have trouble against a Terran massing tanks and goliaths. I can't get close to their tanks with my ground units and the air units get shot down easily by the goliaths. What is the best counter for the tank/goliath push?
Idk if you have high enough micro control and judging by your comment i doubt it but if you do you could try using ur zerg casters. Have ultralisk lead a push followed by zerglings/hydralisk under dark swarm. that will atleast cut out the goliath fire. As for queens. Shoot for the middle clutter of grouped units. The tank splash will force them to kill each other. If those 2 dont work you can flank with 2 attack forces and either split the focus fire of the tanks to multiple directions of there all going to fire in one direction while the other half of the force gets underneath the tanks. If you have the economy vs tanks US AND UPGRADE your ultralisk. I know alot of players that get so wound up in the heat of the moment they forget to upgrade.
Thanks. This is my biggest problem. Getting trapped in the corner . Especially when they start adding nukes and air support.
Try lurkers and hydralisks. You can possibly send in some zerglings into the middle of the tanks so when they shoot the zerglings, splash damage hurts the other tanks.
You might also just want to use a Queen. Hilarious results. Spawn Broodling in the middle of those grouped Tanks or Goliaths, and thd Tanks will blast their own forces. And that's just with 1 unit. And once the Goliaths are either dead or fleeing, bring in Mutalisks + Overlords with Lurkers to secure that location. However, that's difficult to pull off as soon as the Goliaths get the range upgrade. (Charon Boosters or whatever) You might want to send some stuff along with your Queen in that case, or else your Queen will get shot down! Lastly, as already mentioned by the previous poster: Dark Swarm is your friend. Especially usefull when cast over a bunker. You can then take it out with just 5-8 Zerglings in seconds without any resistance. But yeah, that requires you to have some decent micro. First try to play all the Zerg missions a few times without any cheating whatsoever. That should already be enough to train your micro, as you'll often be forced to use special abilities for the best results.
I normally just spam hydras, but they get cut down by tank barricades easily, i'd go with lisks and darkswarms like i2new@aol said. but i dunno i haven't played online in awhile so i just spam hydras until i got all 200 control used up then just slaughter both comps...
Here's another question. If you're up against a bunch of battlecruisers or carriers, is there a way to beat them with air? Devourers help, but you need a crap load. Do any of you guys use scourges?
scourge are carrier killer. The scourge make the zerg air dominate. wth how did it make a double post
Mass tanks and Goliaths simply lots of Ultras and Dark swarm. Use cracklings to clean out mines and scourge to attack vessels. Also i have seen when Artosis does this start as Terran the Zerg players usually expended a lot since in order to the strat to work Terran needs to turtle since Goliaths and Tanks are a cosly (but strong) combo. But look out for Vulture raids agianst workers. EDIT: This Terran approach is only used at specific maps where Tanks are on highgronun and can cover lots of space since otherwise zerg can easely expand over the entire map and sacrife and repump units to break througt the Terran defence without any troubles at all. I have rarely seen any BC in the games I have watched, but lots of scourge, a couple of plauges as well as lots of Hydras should do the trick.