Zeratul and other characters in SC2

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Deadpool, Aug 12, 2007.

Zeratul and other characters in SC2

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Deadpool, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. Deadpool

    Deadpool New Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I appologize if this is alredy a post or something which it probbally is because everything i find is late lol but i found this pretty intresting this was from the people at the blizzcon

    Zeratul- While Artanis is bogged down trying to heal the race, Zeratul, “who could, perhaps, be a big help in all this” says Andy, is no where to be found. He disappeared right after the events of Brood War and he still harbors quite a bit of guilt for slaying his Matriarch, Raszagal. Zeratul is traveling the stars searching for clues, for answers; he’s trying to figure out what’s going on. Metzen interrupted Andy at this point and says, “Remember a map, uh, Dark Origins? A secret mission in Brood War where he meets a kooky cat named Samir Duran, who has, oh I don’t know, a kind of breeding thing going on, with what looked to Protoss and Zerg, you know, Hybrid creatures. And um, he suggests that some great cosmic event is about to unfold, and that leaves Zeratul very… troubled.” Metzen does let slip that Zeratul will wind up find what he’s looking for; he is going to find those clues and get a vision of what’s coming, that is “really going to trip him out”. And then can Zeratul make it back in time to rally our heroes to face impossible odds.

    Here are some other things that were anserwed but i want to foucus mainly on what they said about zeatul but feel free to talk about the other chars that they discussed at blizzcon http://www.sclegacy.com/editorials/sciilore.php

    One thing that i found reading through these that was very intresting is

    The Protoss - They’ve been forced out of their home world. Now they’ve been regrouping on Shakuras. But the Protoss from Aiur are having a hard time accepting the demonized Dark Templar. And much of what’s been happening in the past four years has been the Protoss reconciling themselves to the fact that they are each a half of the same race. Some of the Protoss have understood that “white templar, dark templar, there really is no difference” and still others are having a hard time understanding this. The Protoss civilization, socially and psychology, has devolved back into their tribal states. Their technology has obviously adapted but not all that significantly.

    ok whats so odd is that they say is that they have devolved back to there tribal state!!!