Hey guys! Im a terran player how starting to get raped with protoss when they do early Zealots rushes. I need a few tips how to prevent this from happening! I usually try to go reapers build but I never get reapers done in time. Any other strategies that could help?
How do they get through your wall? You should place SCVs there to repair your suply depots, this way buying you time to tech to hellions, which I believe are direct counters to zealots.
I'd go for a early wall in (rax and supplys - maybe a bunker instead of the rax) and go for marines (2 rax pumping out), then go for Marauders and tech the concussive shells. The Zeals are pretty much done for unless they go for charge (which is cost expensive early on). You can then go for Medics and have the classic bio bomb ready. The early Zeals massed will no longer be worth the money. He needs to switch to stalkers and immortals, sentrys. Early rushes by toss players is most likly proxy-pylon next to your base with 2 gates there to keep distances short. Spy for them and destroy. Your opponent then had lost lots of minerals early on which can be devastating. Simply play defensive at first and once you're strong - move out!
I've had issues with proxy zealot rushes as well. The annoying thing is that in my last game, I spotted the proxy, and started playing as though I would be rushed. When I was rushed, I still wasn't ready, and his four zealots broke through my supply depot and I used everything I could muster to take them out only to see 2 more coming right away. Eventually I lost. In brood war, proxy zealot rushes were tough, but now they also have chrono boost while terran doesn't have anything similar in the very early game.
As previously mentioned the key is to wall off your choke point so that nothing can get through. If you leave 2 scv's up in the front and have at least a few marines you can have the scv's repairing whatever the zealots are attacking at the same time. This should buy you enough time to take them out. If 2 scv's are enough to keep the repairs up then add another. If he has a proxy there you may want a bunker there and tech to siege tanks as fast as you can. As soon as you can manage step out there and take out the 1 pylon that is normally there and then take out the gateways. The key though is to wall it off and pump out as many marines as you can in the first few minutes.
lol none of you are answering his question really.. what you need to do is make a wall using 2 supply depots and on each end of the ramp with your barrack tech-lab between the supply depots. (try this build organization vs computers, its a little tricky but easy) here is a picture of what it is suppose to look like: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/index.php?title=Baneling_Rush_(vs._Terran)&stable=1 (obviously instead of the factory, it will be the barrack with a techlab instead) technically your 1st reaper should come out at the same time or righter after as their 1st zealot ==> - so you should use it to defend against the zealots hitting your front door and use your next reaper to attack his workers - use SCVs to repair the buildings - if you don't, make a marine - if you don't re-check your build-order: you should get your gas before or at the same time as your barrack to get that early reaper. if you do this correctly, you have won the game automatically. zealot rushes should be the least of your worries as terran. baneling busts are what gets you
Do you know how to kite a marine away from a zealot? If you have good enough micro, a single marine can kill slow zealots without taking damage
the thing is, you can't really do that with 1 marine, since everytime you stop to shoot, the zealot is gaining on your marine, you need a second marine to run, and the other to shoot
This is true, however, one or two reapers can definitely kite a zealot without much problem. Maybe shoot for reapers early and build a solid wall then kite them if they penetrate while having an scv repair? Sounds like a lot to handle, but you have to really defend yourself well to protect against zealot rushes like these.
Easy, block choke with 2 supply and barracks, build a couple of marines if you know that he is zealot rushing. then obv get a factory and tech to siege tank asap. if you have to build another 2 supply depos at the choke to create a massive wall, and have your marines behind that. Take 4-6 scvs when he attacks to repair the choke buildings when they attack and let your marines slowly take out the zealots.
if you can get your 2 first reapers out, you should pump a marauder, they are awesome against slow zealots.
I've found that putting a bunker behind my two supply depots of my wall works well for many match-ups. Against zerg, it's a useful defense against a baneling bust. Against protoss, it's useful against zealot rushes. Against terran, it gives you extra defense so that you can tech up while worrying less about mass marine/marauder late-rushes. Then when it's no longer useful, just salvage it.