Z: Too small army

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by eXeel, Jul 13, 2010.

Z: Too small army

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by eXeel, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. eXeel

    eXeel New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    I am trying to practise zerg, as that is my weakest race, and I find that I lose to the same thing time after time... I simply have too small of an army when the opponent comes.

    I've attached two replays showing this off.
    Can it really be that I have to have an extra hatchery in my base, earlier? That's so... SC1.

    Please comment. I want to practise, since I can't after release as my rank will be screwed up, due to my protoss being on another level.

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  2. Bennybo100

    Bennybo100 New Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    I'm in the same situation as you (well, was). I found that the best way to counter this is to use Zergs main features and reasons why they are very powerful:
    1. Queen's spawn larvae ability. Make sure you utilize this as much as possible, leaving only seconds between each cast to provide maximum larvae and therefore maximum units.
    2. Don't go too crazy on the drones. If you're sticking to one base (which, on some maps, I don't recommend) you need to make sure you don't create too many drones, as this takes up larvae and consumes time that could be used to produce units. Ofcourse, though, you want to make sure you're able to afford the units such as hydras etc... so I suggest having around 25 drones per mineral field (I can't really help you there because I don't know how many drones = perfect.)
    3. EXPAND. This is extremely important in Zerg because it only costs you 300 minerals. With this expansion you can create more units and have a better economy, then and only then should you (in my opinion) consider getting a second hatchery in one base.
    I hope this helps your dilema; it helped me when I was stuck with this same problem. Ben.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2010
  3. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    " If you're sticking to one base (which, on some maps, I don't recommend)"

    Apart from incineration zone, NEVER have just one base as zerg!!!

    From what I've seen, Zerg at their best can come up with large forces quickly if they have enough hatcheries and queens to produce the larvae.

    That is really all there is to it, aggressively expand when you can... and then its the old make a better composed army than theirs trick.
  4. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Watching the replay on metalopolis.

    1. You made unnecessary zerglings early on.
    2. You didn't scout, (you had no idea collosus were coming).
    3. I like that you expanded, it was at a good time, but if you had known he was contained in his base, it would of been bold to expand again quicker.
    4. The early mass of zerglings you had made, were slaughtered by collosus, losing you many units that didn't have to die that early.
    5. No corruption down on the collosus. I know this wouldn't of helped that much but I was really hoping in seeing that. It was a good job on your part to get corruptors for the collosus.

    Now, your saying you have an issue with getting enough units to counter your enemy.
    Zerg excel in making units quickly in a mass. Use that to your advantage. This isn't terran style where you have to build up your army, one or two units at a time out of one building.

    So basically your main problem was that most of your units were terrible against collosus. On a part of scouting.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2010
  5. VampireBob

    VampireBob New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    One technique I use is that I send out my Overlords to watch for attacks. I always get the speed boost which allows me to use them as scouts/advanced warnings and is important for doom drops etc.

    Most maps have 2-3 attack routes, put one OL on each one a little closer to their base then yours and some in between to catch flying units. Now you'll have 40 seconds notice whenever they attack, for the cost of 200-300 minerals. Very worth it.

    Having this advanced warning allows me to have a smaller army. I'll have an undersized army around for dealing with harassment. When I see a big force move out, I just build the other half of my army. Most Zerg units take 30-40 seconds to build so you can re-inforce your army on the fly like that if need be.
  6. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Yea, I agree with most people, you need to usethe larvae spell and expand, using overlord sights helps alot since you can pretty much see the entire map until they push out and kill them (T_T poor ovies) then you have other problems (don't over extend your OL's) oh and spread creep. If your good enough to get the larvae whenever you can make anoter queen for the soul perpose of spreadig creep tumers, and with the nerf on 30 seconds not 15 seconds to spread creep you'll want to start spreading creep earlier.
  7. VampireBob

    VampireBob New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    I haven't looked at your replay (I can look at replays, I made a thread about it but no one posted any help, if anyone is willing, please check it out, it's super annoying. http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16079&highlight=replays)

    But I had the same problem as you. If you aren't rushing with Roaches, you really should be using a heavy macro build (like 14 pool, 16 hatch), macro super hard until you see what your opponent's plan is (four gate, an early MM push, etc) then as soon as you see what they are going, build an army to beat it.

    Also, make sure you're not teching too fast. Watch your replays and check when you get what tech, and more importantly, when you use it. If you get ventral sacs ten minutes in, but don't do any drops until 20 min, get ventral sacs later.