What is your strategy when you play as terran? I fill bunkers with medics and put marines around the outside.
Terrans got good defense so defense it up then mid game hit them hard with siege tanks and marines with wraiths as support
i always use the killer tank push - tanks + goliaths + marine + medics the goliaths and marine defend the air and assist on the ground.......when the tanks "leap frog" into my enemy's base just have to watch out for psionic storms.......... and sometimes i get like 3 nuke silos and send 3 ghosts and launch 3 nukes at the same time....mwahahaha
It depends on who I'm playing, if I'm playing zerg I just mass Firebats, Marines and Seige tanks, backed up with Medics.. sometimes a Vessel or two if I'm feeling mean. For Protoss, I do the same thing except not as many firebats, and I ALWAYS bring a Science Vessel.. or three.. or seven. For Terran I never make 'Bats, waste of time. I mass Marines, Medics, Siege Tanks and Wraiths.. sometimes Battlecruisers. If none of that works, nuke spam. :good:
for me I just build a huge army and a huge base from next door to the enemys main base and boom one big battle then to finish things off 6 nukes destroying everything in the blast range. :thumbup:
Me VS Terran - Frequently Scan the base and build the counters while getting Missile Turrets and Bunkers to stop any possible Ghost invasions while I get a few Battlecruisers with Yamato to long range enemy Turrets, a few Dropships with Siege Tanks, and 1 Ghost in Dropship for occasional nukes. Me VS Protoss - A bit harder because they have powerful air and ground units. I'll usually Ghost and Wraith attack against Carriers or massive air forces for the lovely Lockdown and Cloaking. Usually bring a SciVessel or three for detection and EMPs. Me VS Zerg - Since the Zerg have more powerful ground troops I usually get a handful of Wraiths to clear the skies of Guardians and Mutalisks. The rest of my troops are a few Science Vessels, tons of infantry (not including Ghosts), Siege Tanks, and Goliaths for the extra AA and machine guns.
Vs. Terran - Go for Metal. Large numbers of Seige Tanks and Goliaths. Batter your way into securing and holding key points in the map. Supporting forces of Marines are always a bonus, although Medics are unnecessary here. Vs. Zerg - If they're going for Lurkers, go metal and try to pin them. If they're going for anything else, good ol' fashioned Marines, Medics, and a couple of Firebats should teach 'em not to mess with the Dominion! Vs. Protoss - Uhhh... I 'aint too sure. I'd go for Metal I guess. Try to hold out until I can build up a large enough force to hammer em... Bah, I suck at TvP... ~PIx~
If you're versing against protoss, it's always a good idea to mass on tanks and goliaths. The tanks will pound the approaching ground units. once they get close enough the goliaths will help take them out before charging zealots reaches your units. You don't want you tank's splash damage to destroy your own units
Terran- I rather go for the usual ghosts and ground units of goliathes, marines/firebats/medics and ghosts with lockdown backed up by seige tanks. I rarely use air units against terrans don't know why lol Zerg-usually marines/firebats/medics and seige tanks with wraiths and one or two battlecruisers Protoss-Goliathes with marines and medics as well as ghosts with lockdowns backed by science vessels and a huge fleet, yeah its fun.. And finally for finishing them, I nuke them to hell...=D
I use this strategy against ramdom-kind of players ( sometimes they choose ramdon to scare you ) I use this army in the attack : * 6 to 10 Siege Mode fully upgraded tanks * 2 or 3 Science Vessel * 8 to 12 fully upgraded Goliaths * 8 marines + 4 medics * 4 ghosts ( if you have nukes, you can use them to distract enemy attention ) * Some wraiths, cloak researched ( just in case ) Once you get closer to enemy base or army, you put your tanks on siege mode, goliaths behind them, marines on the sides, vessels on the sides too, medics behind marines, cloaked ghosts in front of tanks. Once the attack starts, it´s very hard to take this army down. Goliaths and Wraiths+ marines+ghosts can take down air units, tanks, marines, wraiths, ghosts take down ground attacks, Vessels can either irradiate or emp enemies to make greater damage. Ghosts can lockdown masive units like carriers. Tanks stops lurkers, hydras, defilers before they get close to you... Sometimes very large armies of zerglings can be a problem, but with your own knwoledge you can handle them... You like it????? hehe
You need alot of gas for that army.. More marines less ghosts. Some vultures to lay down mines would be good as well.
I found late game switching bunkered marnies with ghosts makes for some interesting changes due to the range increase.
battlecruiser rush against protoss. emp + 2 yamato + few lasers = byebye nexus under 7 minutes. of course if the enemy finds out then you are dead
my best is t;p and i normally get tanks and vultures and build some missile turrets around them so i cant get dropped i will just wait outside their main untill they run out of mins/gas or if im to late or they killed it ill camp middle and mass expand then when i get enough mins ill attack and send over and over of course things dont always go this way