I'm sure after playing StarCraft 2 some of you have certain players that you adore or obsess over. Be it for their insane micro - macro or unique playstyles I'm sure you guys have a list of players that you must simply follow. From StarCraft Brood War, I have always followed Boxer. Even now he is playing Terran in StarCraft 2. After watching the GSL finals, I believe many would follow Cool aka Fruit Dealer/Seller. His Infestor and Ultralisk play is just out of this world. Please share your favourite StarCraft 2 player =) So that we can aspire to be more like them!
I like TLO, Gretorp and many of the "normal" terran players, esp silver, also drewbie. It was so funny when relative nonames beat bignames like huk, idra, qxc etc. Although I don't play zerg I very much like psy for his nice und funny way of commentating.