What is your favorite unit in Starcraft 2 soo far. You can list more than one, and please give a reason or more why this is your favorite unit. My favorite unit/s/:The roach on the zerg, because I love the idea of fast hp regeneration The stalker on the protoss, I cant wait! For me being able to blink and diddly dum. Of course If this is a unit? The barracks so I can build a proxy pylon and get my guys out fast. On the terran, its the sweet reapers, and cool new look on EVERYTHING. I just cannot wait. Alright guys leave your reply below. Thanks as always.
My hands down favorite is easily the Immortal. The only ground unit that can take a seiged tank 1 on 1 (correct me if i'm wrong)
You are right if the siege tank is in siege form. Then yes your right. If you micro the siege tank correctly not in siege mode and move back BAM move back BAM, it might take it on.
I like the Night hawk and marines/marauder combo NH because its an excellent support unit (in BR2) and i like its little defense turrets. Marines because they are good vs zealots and lings while the marauders take out heavier stuff and support the marines
An ultralisk can take a sieged tank 1 on 1. Void ray or immortal, they're cool and vary up the mechanics.
We already have 3(!) very large sticky(!) threads on this. This one seems completely useless to me. Not even going to participate further in this. It confuses me. :s
Stickies are the threads that say sticky next to them when you view a board and are always at the top. Why'd you only have those in the poll? There's other unique units :/
I like the colossus most, because it just looks like a lot of fun. I'd classify it as a support unit I think. Definitely offensive, but It's not something that can hold a battle by itself. That's my favourite kind of unit.
As a Zerg i can't wait to use the changeling. Even though his use is limited,I can't wait to psyche my opponent with them. He will never know if all his units are his and will constantly have to check his troops. BWAHAHAHAHA.
It's hard for me to answer this, as there are so many cool units. I'm going to leave out StarCraft I units unless the new units is different (eg ghost). Reapers just seem cooler after every incarnation. The new ghost is cool in so many ways. I think Snipe needs to do more damage though (at least vs light bio units) and I hate the flavor of EMP shot. I actually like Hellions, including the flavor. They should get cool painted-on flames. I think it's the AoE that does it for me; if Vultures used the StarCraft II damage system and did AoE damage they'd be cool too. Stalkers have that awesome Blink ability. Too bad you need vision to use it. Still, you can use them teleport into combat surrounding an important foe (like a queen) and assassinate her. We saw that in the first Sonkie vs Yellow match. Void rays are just too cool to be believed. Roach - what a unique unit. I'm a fan of micro too, and this one enhances the use of micro.
"Wait! You can't go into battle yet! You haven't had your flames painted on. Please step into the Pimp My Powersuit garage." ... "Hey wazzup. Dis is xzibit in da starcraft. Ur here 4 da flames? We hav sum nu dezines for ya... There. Now u look like da biz. A proper soldier. And it only added 10 secs 2 ur training time. " "Oh thanks. I feel ready for battle now. But what's all this new stuff in my suit?" "Oh, we've removed some of the armor and replaced them with custom fibreglass mouldings, adding in some 1000W speakers and a total of 8 lcd screens - 4 in the front and 4 in the back. And when you press this button here, it turns on the disco lights." "cool. "