Yeah, either you internet dropped, like my dsl does that from time to time so yeah just try again later, its usually to do with your internet connection o.o
my internet didn't drop out... It won't let me connect period. And as for try again later, I've tried every hour since about two this morning. No luck.
Your CD key could be temp banned from for some reason. I would also suggest that you were flooded out but it wouldn't last that long. Were you using hacks?
Try connecting your key with a bot like l2uthess Chat, that can connect sc keys, and that will tell you if its the key thats banned in that case youll need a new cd key
Okay I tried connecting with l2uthless Chat and it gave me this: Error: 10053 - Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure Could Vista be screwing me again?
I have had that once, and I use a hacked version of SCBW and Im running Vista, but I think it has nothing to do with any of these two.
You are iped then, but reason is why? Go to west and check lol 'Blizzard Tech Support' and no its not vista
Wing is on the right track. Whenever I got IP banned from D2 when I would be switching characters for mules, I'd get IP banned all the time. A simple router restart solved that problem.
Actually, this problem COULD be Vista. I'm having the SAME problem, but it's giving me a weird error "Incorrect Server" in WC3. But in SC it tells me to "Try again later" but if I keep hitting "Connect" it eventually connects. Try hitting it 5-10 times and see if it goes. Good luck!
Hopefully, if it is vista, Blizzard will have some fix for it. That is pretty unlucky to have an OS that doesn't work with a lot of things unless the programmers code their **** AROUND the specific OS, as it's leaps and bounds different...*gumble*
It's because the code is outdated. It's certainly more of a problem with the SC code sucking so hard and not Vista's. The problem is Vista can't handle the POS old code.
well if ur internet didnt drop then it means u got ip banned. it will probably be either 5 days or 2 weeks. this happend to me a while back and i was in a melee game, but in the mid i had to go so i turned off my comp. i got ip banned for 2 weeks><