Common Characteristics (may not apply to all real vampires) You might be a vampire if... * You have a strong desire for and/or Stimulation by blood (sexual, revitalizing or otherwise) * You have a nameless craving that can never quite be fulfilled * People you get close to tend to become tired, weary and upset a lot around you * People tend to find you interesting at first, then begin to avoid you * Even when surrounded by others, you always feel alone * Sunlight/bright light in general hurts your eyes (but you can go out in it, even so) * You tend to be a night person by nature (because you may feel more comfortable and "alive" at this time) * You have had a strong interest in vampires(in any aspect of the genre) probably since puberty onwards * You have had a strong interest in vampires since a traumatic event occured in your life * You don't get sick often, or if you do, the maladies are often strange or severe * You are a fast healer * Sex tends to leave you feeling revitalized and full of energy * You have drank blood before or would like to, if you could * You enjoy imbibing sexual fluids because of the vitality they contain * Electrical appliances and you don't generally tend to get along well (watches stop often, computers malfunction for no reason, microwaves start up by themselves, etc) * You prefer rich fabrics, tastes, scents etc. * You are very sensitive to sensory extremes (strong scents, rough textures, sour tastes,etc) * You feel totally different on some elemental,intuitive level to most other human beings * You feel you don't belong in this century, maybe even this world * You believe in reincarnation and maybe even have had past life visions * Your dreams are often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of deja vu * You easily "trance out" or find yourself detached from the world * You posess an ability similar to ESP (or are highly intuitive in general) * People often find you very empathetic to how they feel * People often either trust you completely or think you are very dangerous. * Your style of clothing tends to be more on the dramatic side * Your relationships tend to be very rocky and emotionally unstable * Your relationships tend to be very intense and passionate * People tell you that you are too intense/an "enigma"/"dark hole"/add similar phrase here * You look younger than you are (when you're beyond twenty years of age) or look older than you are (when you are younger than 20 yrs of age) * You can see and/or read auras * Animals tend to get along well with you * You have good, natural "magickal" abilities (if you do spells, etc, usually they work) * You have only one or two friends/lovers who really understand you and whom you get along with * When you will things to happen, they usually do * You can often easily tell how other people are feeling * You feel sick/get rashes/etc in the daytime when the sun is shining * (you're a woman) Your period starts late in the day and your cycle is usually timed to the full moon * You suffer from allergies
Moved to Space Junk. Conversation was not serious so shouldn't be in the Lounge. By the way, nice Family Guy reference Major Willy.