This is your download history: I hardly ever used DXDiag before I started posting here, but now I live by it. @_@ This is my dxdiag folder, organized by username. @_@
Holy crap, this sounds like an equivalent HIPPA violation. Keeping everyone's dxdiag... lol... That has to be some kind of compulsive behavior.
I like that you have a folder for everybody. It reminds me those films where some security service keeps files on suspects. Imagine a darkened room with a huge monitor. The one in charge speaks a person's name. Seconds later that person's profile is up on screen. Someone in the background compulsively reads off a load of personal details and psychological profile, while everyone gawks at the mug shot. Seconds later, a folder appears on the desk, filled with spy photos: high detailed glossy 12 inch prints of that person going about their daily life. The one in charge picks up one particular photo and sees two familiar faces in the background. "He knows both Larry Price and John Dobbs" Walks to look at map on wall with coloured pins stuck in it. "He is our ring master."
Its mostly because... I'm too lazy to delete stuff. I'll prob flush older stuff out over time.... You should have seen it before I started making folders.. I kept saving over dxdiags on my desktop.. and its already filled with fantastic pictures like this: and this: and this: oh and this: and that fantastic picture Fenix noticed. lol I wondered if anyone was going to catch that. Has anyone seen my REAL avatar? Because its 100x100 and supposed to be animated. :/
My desktop (on my laptop) is full of stuff too. At the moment, there isn't enough room for all the icons, so some are overlapping. But I know where everything is. Every so often I'll make a new folder on the desktop and drag it all in to tidy it... but then I can't find anything, and it feels almost like I've lost a limb.
I used to download everything on my desktop on my old pc and when if filled up I created a folder named "Desktop" and drag EVERYTHING in. When it filled up again I used to create a folder named "Desktopx" where x would go up as I kept going dumping stuff in. I ended up with something like desktop9 or so when I realised that it took my PC roughtly 15-25min to get to the desktop without lagging it's life out, at which point I bought an external hdd, did a backup of stuff I actually needed and formatted my C. Now I keep a relatively clean track of anything but funny pics(like the ones Xev linked, which are now dumped somewhere in my documents waiting to be moved to the "various" folder )
That's so scary... I do the exact same thing. O_O I do use the downloads folder more now that its.. there in Windows 7.
hahahahahahahahhaha yeah, I started organising stuff with windows 7 too cause the folders are there so why not use them?