Hey guys name is Kurogane or BBoy-Kuro. I breakdance, starcraft, and do a little bit of popping as well. I'm the co-owner of sc2gg.com, News Super Admin over at iCCup, and a couple other things here and there (try to get myself into as many places as i can) heheh, forum seems crazy active so it shud be fun
welcome, are you korean, cause it appears you are through you rintroduction. I am IJffdrie, the dutch god of space junk, writing from the city of drugs and hookers(Amsterdam)
Welcome Bboy! Greetings from West Coast (the good coast) of the US and from the best state in the union, California.
Thanks Thanks! Can't wait for the Items and Shop to come back ... I don't even know what it is, but it sounds like something crazy