well i was trying to load a sc ruth so i could have cowonfire[E] on so someone cough evan cough would no longer complain about me not being on tagged name and when i went to load the ruth bam i got ban AGAIN lol it was from the key i was using it was not cuz i loaded over 8 bots again i only had 2 ruths wc3 and sc on so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so if i cant change my ip which i prbly wont be able to since my comp is a retard i wont be back for yet again another month unless i get me some proxies to load on p.s To Evan: I'm not gonna try to load CowOnFire[E] unless i have proxies to text these keys on so this wont happen again and I'm sorry u dont like me being on CowOnFire and feel the way you do but.... yea I'm staying on CowOnFire so please dont tell me I should get on a tagged name or the reason I don't get things is because I'm not on a tagged name so yea. lol PCE
Cow first off dont try and relate me saying your not on your tag to you being banned, cause i feel as thou your trying to imply it. Second I did not complain about you being on CowOnFire... You complained about not having shaman, so i simply said why dont you log with [E] more. You then said you were told you could do as you please so long as you have a bot with your tag loaded... and i said.. ok well.. you dont have a bot with the tag. I have never complained about you not being on a tag, if i did i wouldnt complain to you anyways, i really dont care. Do what you want.. understand that other members have been asking "when is it ok to not log with a tag" recently and that does bother me.
Sorry, i came off strong didnt i. I <3 you cow, i just speak bluntly. Also, unplug you modem for like 12-24 hours and when you reconnect you might be ok to log back on.