[img width=500 height=83]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/7617/pjarticle1ch4.jpg[/img] Many of us have been wondering what is in store for the StarCraft II single-player mode and what exactly Blizzard has planned for the future of the StarCraft Universe. Zeratul’s ominous warning to James Raynor aboard the Hyperion has confirmed that the Xel’Naga are indeed returning. But what exactly are their intentions? Attempting to draw conclusions from the official sources and various vague references from Blizzard employees can be rather daunting. I, however, in my first editorial, have endeavored to do exactly that. For the last nine years the issue of the Xel’Naga and the hybrids has been the most uncertain part of the StarCraft Universe. All we have had to work with was a bonus mission from the Brood War expansion and some minor details from the manual. But now, as StarCraft II draws closer, we are having more information revealed to us in the form of The Dark Templar Saga by Christie Golden, which has been confirmed to be part of the StarCraft Universe canon. Even though the Xel’Naga remain as ambiguous as ever, we now have a better opportunity to extrapolate some of the events of the StarCraft II storyline. Let’s start with the mysterious Terran known as Samir Duran. Duran claims he served as part of the Confederate Alpha Squadron before the fall of the Confederacy. He could very well be lying however, since Blizzard was quick to mention that this information is only “by his own account” and that he might have had to make up this story in order to infiltrate the ranks of the UED. During the Brood War mission Dark Origin, Duran reveals more of his enigmatic nature.... Source: SC:L Post Truncated. Please avoid copy and pasting entire articles from other sites and instead, post just a piece of the article and provide a link.
Re: Xel’Naga Storyline Projection Very clear idea of what might happen.... owerup: the idea that the Xel'naga may be peacefull is a highly interesting one. Yet, i wonder, is it possible that they may have some form of strong hatred towards the Protoss after all these years (they did force the Xel to leave Auir after all). It is a possibility that after being "kicked off of the galactic thrown" by their own creations the Xel may have abandoned their old ways and become 100% bent on the destruction of their "mistakes". But then again, all theories up till now are supported only by relatively low amounts of evidence (compared to the final game) so, we shall see.....
Re: Xel’Naga Storyline Projection Wow, a very indepth post there. I honestly never thought of the Matrix like cycle concerning Protoss, but it's seems plausible considering your evidence. I just hope they don't totally copy and paste the Nagas role into SC2, which I know they won't.
Re: Xel’Naga Storyline Projection Amazing. owerup: Wow, just thinking about all these possible story outcomes with all of that history and lore and all of the different characters with rich back grounds makes me believe that this is going to be the most epic saga in video game history