just thought it'd be nice to get some WoW news in here the link to the interview: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/warlock.html it'd be a shame if hellfire got cut, i always use it when i have ress sickness i think ill be glad with the soul shard changes, if it means i can summon pets and stones in areas where the creatures levels are too low to produce soulshard and custom pets would be awesome its a shame these things wont be implemented anytime soon, though it was said that there would be minor soulshard changes in 3.2
well, since no one responds to this topic, ill use this to post the old class Q&A's http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/deathknight.html yay, ghoul voices, rest is boring http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/mage.html nothing interesting really, might see some more ice mages in PvE http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/shaman.html quatruple totem is kinda cool, but rest is boring
Sure I'd want to see warlocks get a class flying mount too. Only if all the other classes get something equally as awesome. If not then no.
So you're against the dread/fel steads, pally chargers, and dk mounts too? Not to mention druid forms. Why would you ever want every class to be able to do the same things? If you're jealous or something silly like that, roll an alt. Rather than a flying mount I'd like to see our demon forms be able to take to the skys...if they made the models look better at least. Oh, and some green ****ing fel fire would be nice even though I know it's never gonna happen.
Green fire should be doable with a Minor Glyph imo. Mages get the penguin poly, why don't we get friggin green fire? Also, Improved *Demon* needs to affect the model. Imp VW chages it to the armored NPC model. Imp. Imp makes them the fiery red ones. Stuff like that. Annnnd still. Flying mounts. I'd be cool with Pallies getting a flying mount too. Most other classes, no, not really. Maybe a Shaman....Maybe. Cause of the Nature thing, I can see them summoning a bird a la LotR.
Wait. You can play as a demon in WoW now? Why has my collection of news feeds not notified me of this awesomeness? >_>
Metamorphosis. I guess it's cool, but I've never really used the Demonology tree past Felguard...Tried it, wasn't my thing.
i have one of my dual specs as demonologist now, its awesome if you want to solo loremaster. With ilvl 200 i can solo 5-man lvl 80 quests. Felguard on elite, use demon form+immolation aura+rain of fire on adds, then start healing felgaurd after all are dead. Of course, it differs per quest
i'd wait until cataclysm comes out. Low level questing kinda blows, but with cata it gets a make over(even for people who do not have expansions)
As in it getting more interesting, or what? The biggest thing that keeps me away is having to raid an instance with 40 people for 5 hours and such things. Just don't think I can/want to make time for that. And killing low level creeps 54334816348 times for some xp isn't my thing either. So my question basically is: will WoW be freaking boring if you can't play for more then about 2 hours at a time?
Not really, i usually dont play longer then 2 hours at a time. lvl 80 dungeons dont take longer then an hour, and onyxia take less then 2 hours as well. Sometimes when i have longe i will join a raid that takes longer, but not often. and the low level quests will probably get a lot more interesting after cata.
Could always play on a high-rate like I do. Hit 80 in a few hours, then just do whatever floats your boat. Raid, PvP, achievements.