ill start off by saying that the other blizzard games banner is epic. okay, what i realized yesterday was: There is only a single zone in-game with only a horde presence. every starter zone and second zone has an alliance presence, or at least a presence which strongly favors the alliance: mulgore has an excavation site, Barrens has a dwarven city and a human keep, as does Durotar. Silverpine forest has Ambermill(Kirin Tor still was alliance at that point, they became neutral in TBC). Thousand needles has gnomes and Astranaar on the border between 1K needles and Feralas. The Blood Elf starting zone and second zone have Night Elf outrunners. Tanaris, eastern plaguelands and Un'goro dont have an alliance or a horde presence. The only zone in the game without an alliance and with a horde presence is Tirisfal Glades, and the main enemies there, the scarlet crusade, strongly favors the alliance. why i made this post, i have no idea. why i made it in a SC forums instead of in a WoW forum, those have a lot more morons who will start about how blizzard favors the horde over the alliance and will not stop.
Because Blizzard like Horde better. Seriously they gave the Blood elves, they have their own rock band and have more cool characters. Alliance lost most of it's awesomeness in Warcraft 3 since you only get to see Lordearon and Dalaran wile rest of the forces are missing all action...It is wonder that anyone even chooses alliance races .
Dwarves aren't that bad. I would go for a Dwarve, or Blood Elve as Horde. Meh, I guess the South Park ep on WoW had that effect on me. "You just got powned!" *splash* Now that's what I call splash damage. If they put that in the game, I'll start playing as well.
I'm a horde player and alliance is in need of some loving in-game(though they are very popular outside of the game, with the movie being centered on them and the ongoing comic series having Wrynn as their main character). I hope that especially the dwarves and the draenai get some more attention in Cata(gnomes are getting plenty anyways with Gnomer coming back, Night elfs have the return of the highborne and humans got their king back), but the dwarves havent gotten anything cool in a while(i do not count those northrend dwarves as cool) and the draenai didnt really have a reason to be sticking around now that tempest keep is freed. On the other hand, the trolls need some loving as well
Movie? Meh, the Dwarves should get the Mountain King hero class or something. That would be sweet. Trolls could get the Chieftain. Those should be enough to satisfy both sides for a while. Or is the Avatar thing that the Warcraft 3 Mountain King uses a WoW ability already? Oh well, I just continue to hope for Naga to become playable, and a new neutral side.
How the Death Knight class should've worked. You level as neutral, with the ability to /pvp to self flag, then choose a faction once you reach a certain level. Which is how it should be with gobby's and wolfies. I know Badlands has a few dwarves there, but only the Horde has an outpost, doesn't that count?
horde and alliance have about the same numbers in badlands(which are quite low). Also, especially for worgen that'd make no sense at all. They are already under attack by the forsaken, and during their starting area lose Gilneas to them, i cant imagine them wanting to become neutral.
I can't imagine a Warcraft lore writer being idiotic enough to put werewolves in the game either way.
1) There is no favoritism; everyone just whines about whatever faction they don't play on about how they're the favorite. 2) Blood Elves were a nerf to the Horde; Every idiot in the game rerolled one so they could look like some dumb *** anime douche. 3) They are counter-balancing this by adding Worgen to the Alliance; every idiot will reroll a Werewolf and have names referencing that awful series Underworld. That or Twilight queers.
1) agreed, though it was actually stated by blizzard that most of the developers play horde, but it does not have much effect 2) Disagreed. From WC3 onwards everyone pretty much wanted to play Blood Elf. And since the Garithos incident, and the kaldorei joining the alliance, and getting demonic energy, there was little reason for them to team up with the alliance. 3) Very much disagreed. Worgen were in the game since the beginning, the curse has always been portrayed as being spread amongst Gilneans. Just because a race is popular doesn't mean its designed to be a counter balance race. It just means the developers are doing a good job.
I don't even play the game and can tell that you're all wrong. Everybody plays Horde because they think they are cool, evil and whatnot. So Blizzard added a badass race to the Alliance (Dranei, or whatever the spelling is) and added a more gracious race (Blood Elves) to the Horde. Simple as that. It's just about way to many people playing Horde.
I think you've spelled it wrong after all, because it sound nothing badass... Also, wasn't there far more ppl playing Alliance back then?
Oh wait. They put the nice looking race with the Horde for people to move there. Lots of facepalms today.
To the original post. Blizzard does not favour the horde to the Aliance or the vice versa either. There is just a lot of alliance presence because originally there were no orcs etc on Azeroth. The horde came there via a portal if I remember correctly. And they just made their cities and sacked some alliance cities and left them in ruins. The horde had no want to remove the alliance presence from every corner of the now horde claimed provinces. Lazy things they are, so the old Alliance wreckage is all over azeroth. More there for lore porposes then favouring one faction over another.
...Blood Elves aren't anything to brag about. The Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftains are a general Horde band, but do play in a neutral city. And which forces? Like, all the human factions from Warcraft 2?