Hi, I was able to play SC2 with no problems, but now my SC2 crashes my whole laptop. I run the game, maybe an hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, or even 5minutes, the game would freeze, my screen goes black, then my whole laptop reboots. This is happening a lot now when before it never did. My laptop specs are: Intel Duo Core T9400@2.53ghz 4gig ram 32bit OS Geforce 9600m GT
Hm... could it be that your lapto is overheating? Is it currently very warm where you live (summer ^^) and does the computer have enought fresh air to "breath"? (I.e., is it standing on a flat and hard surface, and not e.g. on your sofa/bed?)
This sounds like a temperature issue. Good airflow is crucial to keep temperatures down. -- Don't sit the laptop on soft surface like a cushion/bed/sofa. -- Keep the air duct free of dust. Once a week or so, I'll blow through the side vent on my laptop. I often see dust being ejected from the back vent when I do. -- For gaming, do invest in one of those laptop stands with fans that circulate air to the underside of the computer. They are not expensive. -- The room temperature should be cool. I've also noticed if I have my hands resting on the keyboard, the temperatures will go higher too.
Here are a couple of programs I used to find out I was overheating. http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/ and http://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/ Good luck to you.
Im having the same issue exactly. Been playing for a week now and everything was fine. Then last night it crashes and goes to a black screen. Im pretty sure im not overheating. The first thing i did when i woke up today was turn my laptop on and try and play the game and it crashed in 5 minutes. My computer is resting on a desk and i have the vents sticking off the side
Did you try submitting a ticket to Blizzard? It's just weird because your laptop is faster than the one I'm on, but mine never freezes or crashes. Seems like it is probably an overheating issue, but perhaps a registry scan or reinstallation is in order.
It is not over heating because Im using a cooler fan and i put ice packs under neath to keep it cool lol and I have core temp and its not over heating. But i recall something now, when i was installing SC2, there was some error message or something saying my graphic card wouldnt be sufficient or something. I updated the drivers too, could that have something to do with it?
What graphics card do you have Klarity? Check this post to find out how to find out that information.
Okay. First to explain your RAM issue. 32-bit OS's can only address 4GB of ram TOTAL. This includes your video ram. Since you HAVE to have video ram for your video card to work, you take the amount of video ram - total system ram = usable system ram to 32bit OS. Vista actually LIES TO YOU about how much RAM is "usable" by the system in the device manager. You do have 4GB's of ram installed, but only about 3GB is usable by your 32-bit OS. If you want to be able to use all of your RAM, your choice is to upgrade your OS to 64-bit. Since you have Vista, you only need to get a hold of a Vista64 disc and install using your current product key, so it won't cost you anything. Now, that won't help you when it comes to your crashing. I want to see what kinds of temps your system is running at. Try downloading HWMonitor and seeing what temps your CPU/GPU are running at. If your machine overheats, it can do exactly what you describe. If it is overheating, you may have to take the laptop in for service to have new thermal paste applied to the machine, perhaps new heatsinks/fans etc. But, lets see what temps your stuff is running at in idle first.
Well heres my temp. It is 30mins after I turned it on from idling, and i have a cooler fan as well for my laptop. I occasionally also use those air-spray cans to clear out dust from the fans. And thanks about the info about the ram, im not really PC competent. My friend also said Vista uses a lot of RAM even on idling? Edit- after posting this, my temp fluctuated from 66 - 70 and stayed constant at that (Idling with no programs running) However, when SC2 is running, its at 88 degrees and 78 for the GPU.
70 is kind of high for idling, but that's what nVidia's software keeps it at. Your processor temps look fantastic, so I highly doubt its the cooling in the CPU. The problem is, if your GPU is ideling at 60C-ish, its prob a lot hotter in game. You may have a cooling issue there. The other problem is, I have no idea whether your laptop has independent cooling for your GPU or not. Only way to tell easily would be to download Rivatuner and see if it has a fan setting on your setup. If it does, then crank that baby up to 100% and see if that helps the temps (it should), if it doesn't... you may need to have your machine taken in for service to apply new thermal paste to the GPU (which is a better alternative then toasting your GFX like some people have had happen with current nVidia setups).
Thanks Xev, I'll give that a try first with Rivatuner. So I put it to 100% for the GPU thingy. If that my laptop still crashes, would I just go to a laptop repair center and ask to put some thermal paste to the GPU? (And what does GPU stand for?) I dont see how to crank it up to 100%. Is it one of these settings? The fan or the NVIDIA fan one? When I change the value, the max value is ffffff, what does that mean? Or do I just put 100 or something?
Well, as I said, you may not have fan settings since you use a laptop. GPU stands for Graphics Processor Unit. Some of the things you can try before taking it somewhere is to purchase some canned air, turn the laptop off and spray out the vents and try to get any dust/hair that might have worked its way in. If you know dust/hair/dirt has built up anyway, it may be better to have the laptop professionally cleaned. Could also try my sisters trick, and just "stick a fan next to the vent at full speed" and see if that helps lower the temperature. As an example of what CAN happen, let me tell you the story of the old gaming laptop my buddy gave me to mess with this last weekend. I pulled it completely apart, and the vents were all jammed with dust, and the thermal paste over the GPU was completely burnt away! ... Let's not even TALK about how the keyboard looks like Cousen It.