I've looked around and asked blizzard officials and noone will give me an answer. It was said that all three races will be playable in multiplayer with the first installment. However nothing is mentioned of custom single player matches. I would think if you could play all three races in multiplayer surely you could play them in custom matches? I think it's also pretty strange that nobody has ever seemed to bring this topic up in all of the places that I've looked. Can anyone at least give a logical speculation? There are people like me who don't care much about multiplayer or campaign mode, but focus on custom battles.
I'd imagine all three races will be playing in custom maps. Seeing as how custom maps are one of the key aspects of Multiplayer.
I hope you're right. The difference is one is single player and one isn't. Maybe it was meant to be obvious which is why it was never touched up on but when I emailed a Blizz employee he told me he was not at liberty to discuss.
Then we might be surprised! who knows? Their already trying to put away LAN for starters... maybe customs is next T_T
Please make sure you title threads appropriately. Also please use the search function because there's about 50 threads in which you can ask general SC2 questions.
Also: Blizzard even pays people for good custom maps. Kinda obvious that custom maps will be supported.
There is also the fact that all their previous RTS games such as the first Starcraft and the Warcraft series all have a feature where you can play custom or skirmish type games. Blizzard said all 3 races will be playable outside of the campaign and haven't said that they aren't including that feature so I think it's safe to say it will be in Starcraft 2.