Will Starcraft 2 run on my system (fujitsu laptop) on the lowest settings? Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 @ 2GHz 3 GB Ram Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express chipset :laugh: Windows 7 64 bit THANKS!
No card, just the integrated intel chip. I was hoping I could get away with running it on the very lowest settings. I dont play computer games anymore, but would have loved to pick up sc2 as I was huge fan of the original back in the day. Thanks for your help
Nope you can't run it, even on lowest without massive lag then. You NEED a gpu! I'm reallly doubtful. My friend can't even run on lowest with an 9800pro gpu.
If you said that in the streets of Korea you get thrown in jail, turkey slapped & then chemically castrated
Just for a frame of referrence.: My SEVEN YEAR OLD laptop runs SC2, the graphics card is the barest minimum. Glad I got top of the line then because I can't afford a new one now. Whaa whaaa whaaa!