with general i mean a movie that sows all marvel characters. we all know marvel loves crossovers, so i think there is a fine chance of it happening
yes, vengers will get their own movie and all member s will get at least 1 movie, but i am talkinga bout avengers+x-men+spidey+f4
They're all supposed to be from different universes, aren't they? That's how I always thought of them, anyway. Like how StarCraft and WarCraft are both made by Blizzard but in separate universes and timelines, Avengers, X-Men, etc, were all made by Marvel, but, again, in different universes.
Aren't they all basically centralised around New York, though? How come they haven't run into each other yet? Especially seeing as there are so many X-Men already. X-Men always seem to be bumping into other X-Men, so why aren't the others bumping into them or X-Men bumping into others?
well, in the movies they havent yet, but in the comics they run into each other every 3 albums, i mean, spiderman was kitty's(shadowcat) boyfriend for a while