What I'm trying to say is this: The new (and incredibly cool looking) stargate has a hole in the middle of it. Will air units be able to go through this hole, or will buildings still have an invisible 'block' around it that prevents units from getting too close to it?
Good question. I'd guess flying units keep their "distance" to the ground so that they can't fly through buildings. Somewhat like the units do in the C&C games.
I just think it would be cool for an invading Terran army to send their Battlecruiser fleets 'through' the Protoss Stargates just to mock them.
No need for Air Units to go through some hole, but I think blocking will be here for sure.. It's an element of the game... Bases need to be planned and enemies can be stopped by walls of buildings.
yep too bad you cant build walls in SC tho was one of my favorite things about C&C was you can have total pro base with walled in area with gate and have your own tiberium field contained all to yourself sigh..... until of course ea screwd it over
but the stargate has 2 functions. it spawns air, and air can teleport through it. like like the gateway
I doubt that will be possible for technical (just not possible with that engine) and fictional reasons such as electromagnetic fields inside the rings or something.
It's a valid question. My hole-in-the-middle-of-a-stargate was a joke, but I need to know that if I build two gateways next to each other if units will be able to walk through that hole that I can visible see in between.
Well, in in the Original StarCraft, buildings had different levels of "blockiness." Some were so big that not even Ghosts or Zerglings could squeeze between them (Supply Depot), while other would let just about any small unit through (Engineering Bay). I imagine it will be the same for the sequel. It would be cool though, if you could order units to go onto buildings. Like Zerglings swarming up a Gateway, right up the stairs to the warp field, before pounding away at the structure or Ghosts perching on top of a Barracks to keep out of harm's way, but I really don't see that happening.
I think the buildings will allow units to go through because the Stargate's animation supports my thinking. Look at it this way, if the unit is being warped into the current plane, wouldn't the unit be spawned right in between the Stargate?