Why shouldn't I go infestor instead of mutalisks in 4v4?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by visom1, Aug 3, 2010.

Why shouldn't I go infestor instead of mutalisks in 4v4?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by visom1, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. visom1

    visom1 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    (warning: Long, please don't comment if you're not going to read, thanks)
    Hi, my friend who's a platinum league member and I sometimes play in a 3v3 or 4v4 match. Here is the situation of the 4v4 matches:

    Him: terran
    FriendA: terran
    FriendB: protoss
    Me: zerg

    strategy: rush weakest base

    Now at the beginning of the game, we produce only mineral costing units to rush the game then slowly build towards gas, he keeps telling me to make mutalisks to harrass. Now normally I agree that is a good strategy, but since I'm the ONLY one making air units vs 4 other bases, I don't think my mutas can harrass for very long since the other bases can produce their own counter (my band of 8 mutas got raped by 5 vikings/phoenix/mutas from the other bases)

    Now I prefer making infestors instead of mutas, even though they may be slower, they carry a whole army with them and can move around in stealth, plus if I should ever lose my entire base, my infestor can still spawn units to fight. They can mind control strong units and spawn mobs of marines to assist in heavy combat.

    So is my friend's muta harrass better than my infestor strategy?


    PS: I would try out this strategy but he'd get pissed if we lose, and I don't want to play with strangers cause I have better communications with my friends.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  2. Nerfday96

    Nerfday96 New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    this is the same post you put on the other board but i will answer it the same, muta harass isn't relevant past like 10 minutes into the game, cause they will build spores or turrets or just be waiting for it. muta's are even more irrelevant when playing protoss enemies who can micro phoenix's to be untouchable by muta. just do your ****, he's only a plat, it's not worth not having fun to play with him. all else fails you can play with me :)
  3. visom1

    visom1 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Thanks nerf, I'll just play it my way the next time cause he wasn't the one that witnessed the horrible deaths of my mutas, I did. (remember, ONLY MY MUTAS VS THE AIR UNITS OF ALL 4 BASES!, I CANT WIN THAT ONE)

    BTW this thread is different lol, the other one is opened to all suggestions while this one is only on 1 issue.
  4. Nerfday96

    Nerfday96 New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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  5. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    If you're going muta harrass then you need to do that, not stick around and fight. If there are "THE AIR UNITS OF ALL 4 BASES" to worry about then you've already accomplished a lot, since they've put resources into things that aren't going to help much against your allies' units.

    Anyway, if your job is to harrass then do that. Pick off a worker, a straggling unit there, etc. If there is too much and too quick of an anti air response then just shoot random areas and move on, consuming their time/APM responding when you've already moved on.

    Then, depending on the nature of the group battles. Pick off things that try to hide in the back, or again, stragglers (either to the fight, or the wounded trying to be sent back to base).

    I'm not necessarily suggesting you don't go infestors, but it doesn't sound like your problem in the above described game was the fact you went mutas (and speed/crack/banelings I'm supposing), but something else.
  6. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    you need to go mutas a lot faster OR zergling rush and go for their workers, then go mutas. Just do this so that your teammates have the upper hand in the macro aspect of the game.

    infestors you aren't doing any DPS, just support. so you should go infestors with something else.