starcraft-mod for WoW? somewhere on earth there must be a small group of guys who know something about programming and luv starcraft
And you wern't supposed to be able to change hard-coded stuff in Warcraft 3... So modders found a way. ;P I think that such a mod would be possible. However, the sheer size of WoW is ridiculous. Maybe a small area you can reach by a portal?
DUDE that would be a pwnage dungeon for WoW lol! Face off against Kerri and 2 ultralisks or somethining. Or even Duran! If I had the chance to be a marine on WoW I would delete all my 80's for it.
yeah, maybe a funny thing by blizzard "zealot for a day(/week)" pay 500 g or somehting and you get the überarmor and blades
Yes some very nice copy and pasting in photoshop there. Still I can't help thinking a MMORPG of SC would be something like Quake Wars. Which would be a bad move for Blizzard.
To be honest I've always wanted a less forgiving MMORPG in the way of combat. A starcraft based MMORPG would be a lot like that. Where if you happen to get hit by a bullet in the face its good game. Rather than going through countless rotations hoping to over come your enemy. I would much rather prefer a more realistic type of combat. A SC MMORPG would be able to offer something like that because you would always have to be on your feet. You wouldn't ever know if a Dark templar was lurking somewhere on the battlefield ahead, or if somewhere beneath your feet was a lurker or zergling ready to jump up and make you its next meal. Definitely something I would enjoy