Firebat - concussive Vulture - concussive Ghost - concussive Weird....all those units have VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY limited roles and tight specializations which made many situations difficult and didnt give much choices to terran players.
Yes these are the very few of the terran units that where specialized, they where very good at what they did, but not good at other things. They had to have some specialized units, cause most of there units weren't.
Protoss and zerg units can be used in nearly any situation and in any part of the game. Late game you can use zerglings and hydras and everything. Same goes for reavers, zealots dragoons etc. Vs zerg you cannot (when i say this i mean its a great disadvantage and usage of resources and supply) use goliaths, vultures, battlecruisers, or ghosts. Vs protoss you cannot play with marines or firebats, valkyries are near useless, battlecruisers aswell, and ghosts have a very limited use. There are too many units that couldnt be used. Vs any of the races the terran players uses 1/3 to 1/2 of all their units which i find disturbing.
You show me a game where devourers were a threat to terran players. And 1 irradiate nearly kills a devourer i believe.
thats exactly why you would never go for wraiths vs zerg, its not like they have great air to ground, and air to air the zerg will crush them. if you make battlecruisers vs zerg you're stupid. Devourers+ hydras + plague + dark swarm = gg