Who do you think will win? I think itll come down to July Zerg and Jaedong. Thatd be one epic Z v Z. Jaedong looks godly this season, better than anything he did in the previous seasons.. Flash vs jaedong would also be a quite a good t v z... thoughts?
TBH, Flash is my favorite pro-gamer at the moment, so I'm rooting for him all the way. He did take a beating from Jaedong, but I think he has stepped his game up and should do rather well. I'm currently trying to catch up on Valor, though. Is it just me, or do some videos cut out on the Gom Player when you download them? Says something about buffering still...wtf?
Yea flash is best T in the touranment.. But I don't know, I always found Z v Z, Z v P and P v P match ups more interesting than anything with T. Im so addicted to gomtv... I like watch every reply 3 times... Its helped me get better at other games..
I guess that's where we differ. I love watching Terran matches. And I agree, I watch them a lot...helps me to learn certain build orders quite well..
PvZ is clearly my favourite match-up, but not when Jeadong is involved, I just dont like his style. TvZ is also very funny. PvT can be very interesting and rich stratigically. ZvZ and TvT is jsut boring, sometimes PvP is ok.
ZvZ goes too fast TvT takes too long PvP is a happy medium. I'll always love the TvP match-ups the most.
Well, if that was the case, where a straight muta build always won, that just shows how good he is. it also shows how noone has been able to come up with a counter or overcome that tactic. and ive seen many replays where muta builds failed or the opponent overcame the harassment..
Baby was a very strong opponent. He did win the Valor special game, at least.... he has some consolation in that, at least!
ah yes, tastless and super dan man are the best, sometimes they talk about wtf stuff... its is indeed epic..
''Monkey milk's good for you man'' ''Bare in mind...'' ''He can find some consolation in himself because..'' ''What you gonna do?'' ''There's the Panda Bear Guy'' ''YES!'' Some of SDM and Tasteless' funny memes. P.s: www.gomtv.net
Season 3: omfg jeadong lost!? Ok and wtf about season 2, Jeadon lost to tempest 2 -1 in round 32 group D, so how the hell did jeadong win season 2! I don't understand the world !!!