so the son of emperor mengks. hhmmm... so any idea about what his role will be in starcraft 2? heres mine. valerian mengks will be the leader of the terran dominion in starcraft 2 expansion. he will be nastier than mengsk was. he will get revenged after mengsk death in starcraft 2 (im sure mengks will die) and at the end of starcraft 2 expansion he will be the emperor of the universe. or was i talking about arthas? haha. maybe his a good guy. anyway i think the idea is cool and i think i like him. at last, we got a good looking male terran now. well aside from the rugged good looks of jimmy. lol
I wanna know who the mum is...... Ten bucks/pounds/euros sez that this Valerian has psionic abilities
maybe her mum is jessica simpsons. ^_^ i hope he will be the ultimate ghost. a prince ghost. hhmm. but hes an archaeologist.
I don't know, can someone summarize the link up? I read the first 4~5 parragraphs and was scrolling down to see how much more and there were like omg. I don't know though, maybe it could be Jesica Simpson, I don't know.
You're on ^_^ I've read Firstborn and if he does have any powers then he hides it well. No idea who the mother is but she must have been drunk to sleep with that scumbag Arcurus.
Mengsk seems like the kind of guy who would either clone himself or create a super test tube baby that could rip a zealot open with his bare hands. So i'm kind of surprised he had a son.
he should be, he is the evil arthas future reincarnate. haha, i just want the same thing happening in starcraft 2. ^^ bow to the new emperor of the universe valerian mengsk. cool name, im going to name my son after him.. or tychus lol
Well it said he was 22...maybe him and Jimmy are buddies! Or maybe he's secretly Matt Horner!!!!! CONSPIRACY!!
maattt hoorrrnnerrr.. wow. you could be right. nice twist in the story. (metal gear) but mattt doesn't have blond hair. and he is not handsome. lol
That and the fact that for most of his life Val has been living on backwater planets and Arcturus would never let him do something as dangerous as spying. And there is no way in hell that he and Raynor are friends.