I'll have to warn that people on this forum like sarcasm and irony way to much, so posting this thread will not help your reputation.
Meh, -2 isn't all that bad. Certainly better than AtlasMeCH; he had like -8 before finally getting the banhammer. Either way, it doesn't seem like people use it all that much unless they've got a grudge against another poster. That, or nobody finds any of my posts noteworthy enough for a rep up
Also: http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?p=349088#post349088 Negative rep for having to many shop items... yeah this system rocks.
I repped you. o.o Share the love. Gonna get De-Repped-Raped. xD Don't got a reason to be banned. xD I've been fairly helpful on the forum I think. Been active too.
I had a group about this. I think it's called VAR 12. Victims Against Rule 12. My rep went down for BS reasons, everybody was like "lol emr it doesn't matter" and just repped me up. So I'm just gonna rep you up, takaim. Admins don't seem to really take much account of rep.
I agree with you; I was just using Atlas to make the point that rep doesn't really have much bearing unless numbers get extremely high (or low in his case).
EMR is correct. We really only take into account rep if it's a huge variance. Large negative numbers generally mean the user is a troll, or just an outright douche, and we take punitive action if it's warranted. Conversely, if they have a much higher than normal rep and it's generally SCII or forum related, that puts them as a candidate for either/or Hyperion induction or a possible moderator position. AcE, what is this i dont even
Nobody really uses rep at this point. I remember the good old days when [Goes on a rant about the christmas power-up storm] btw, welcome to space junk
Power levels were funner anyway. Reputation is too ostentatious, even more than using this word. I prefer using thanks for sporadic useful posts and rep for overall good contribution, like Xev's tech support. I only resort to negative reps in special cases where the post doesn't qualify for a deletion but it's still offensive. Also, it's just another line in your profile, nobody checks it so don't worry about people judging you for being in the negative unless it's in the extreme.
Okay okay! How bout you judge me on the reverse? Everytime I do good De-Rep me. Begin the deprepping. I wanna be the first one to hit 999. Nd lawlz okeyz ace. i rz a gud manz C: