Which Race do you think will be the Most Powerful and the easiest to win with ! ??? For me i think Toss Terran Zerg
well they are all good races and blizzard has worked extreamly hard at balancing the game but to break it down Terran has marauders and marines early which is an extreamly good combo. Zerg has Roaches which can be paired up with just about anything to make an impact Protoss has the stalker/zealot combo and all of these are 1-1.5 teir units that are affordable and useful throughout prolonged games where higher tier units are being created. and we won't know until the games is released. As for SC1 it was defiantly Protoss
have to say the vids i've seen with roaches in , i was not over impressed they didnt sem to have the impact i thought they would have, maybe they wernt used to there full potential , myself i feel zerg have lost there edge at the mo. And yes Toss in SC1 ruled ! And im a zerg player LOL
I think in starcraft 1 a race was better against another Zerg was for Terran, Terran for protoss and protoss for zerg I hope here will be such thing
re SC1, nothing scarier than a dozen maxed out Zealots. SC2, from what I can tell neither has a real advantage over the other.
Whait, what? The whole point of the game is to have three equally powerful and distinctive sides. Choose whichever side you feel is more attractive and stop trying to find overpoweredness that will get nerfed anyway within a patch or two. As to which side require less APM to play decently... Protoss?
Yes, this is a common opinion held by Battle.net pubs. Consequently, it couldn't be further from the truth wtf?