How did you pick your race? Based on how units look? Or specific units abilities? Did you play Starcraft 1? Did playing Starcraft 1 and/or Brood War influence your decision? I picked Protoss because I played Protoss in Starcraft 1. The more I play the more I realize Protoss is no longer the ability heavy race I thought it was, there's many abilities for Terran and Zerg this time around. I still remember the fun times I had with multiple recalls and stasis. __________________ Starcraft 2 eSports Channel
I played Terran in SC and now Zerg in SC2 because I've always been curious about them. I didn't play Zerg in SC because of the group limitations and overall difficulty of playing them, but SC2 made them a lot easier to play. I think it's one of the reasons that 4 out of 5 players choose Zerg, which is a bit meh. I have 4 friends and 1 plays random the other 3 Zerg... Zerg has become quite mainstream in my experience, which detracts from their magic a bit.
I started off playing Terran in SC1, and in SC2, just because they are the easiest race to learn imo. Also, they are the race you started with in the campaigns. I also play protoss, on nearly half my games. The reason I do not play zerg all that much is that they are so both macro and micro intensive, more than any other races. Adding the queen in there with the spawn larva makes it even more so, trying to keep up on top of that.
I play protoss in sc2, was a zerg player in bw but they just aren't good enough to compete. I was working so much harder as zerg to compete with players that i'm easily roflstomping now as protoss.
I play Terran but I can pretty much play with any race. I feel like in SC2, Zerg have become even more complex. In the end, the better you get to know the Zerg race the more fun it gets. To add to that, it feels like you always find new ways of innovating your play with Zerg here in SC2. I play Terran just because I master most aspects of them but would love to become an expert in the Zerg race...time will tell.
I am trying to learn how to play zerg. One of the main things that has puzzled me is the zvz. I don't really like doing zerglings + banelings at the begging of every game to see if someone would mess up his/her micro. If feels like a chore.
I play terran. In brood war I played protoss. I've always liked terran but I was never any good with their lack of mobility. I started as protoss in sc2 but quickly found out that I am better with terran. Their mobility has been increased by the marauders, vikings, and thors.
I play Protoss, I had started playing back when SC1 came out as Terran, and the protoss just intrigued me a bit. Then I started working and had foudn out a couple co workers play as well. They had the SC clan SWBK, and I had joined. PLayed Protoss since then, and I still play Protoss on SC2, they are just so much fun xD
Random. I love to try different matchup. It's not just 3 different matchup but it's 9 total different matchup making it more fun in the long run. The only thing's it will take more time to get better with every matchup but after a while, it will be a lot more fun. Random <3
Random makes the other player decide if he/she wants to block ramp. A good advantage I think if he/she is playing terran/protoss.
Well that's because the first SC2 was about terran. Hopefully more people will try out different races when expansions come out.
I play Protoss, just because I liked the look of the race. Then, after playing them for a while, I decided I liked the gameplay too.