Ok, so I'm not entirely sure if this is in the right section.. So i have this Samsung DLP TV that I use as a monitor for my computer. It is a 720p TV with a max resolution of 1280x720... Currently, I am running a DVI single link cable for this TV and for everyday usage like movies and browsing it is just fine.. I also play Starcraft 2 on this regularly.. My question is, will moving to a dual link DVI cable increase the clarity and performance of the game on my screen? As of now, it works fine, but I do notice that while chatting with friends in the menu screen, some letters just do not come out clear enough.. Numbers and letters like 8 and B become one, along with other blurry letters.. game play is fine but could use a little more refinement.. with the TV specs I posted will DVI dual link have any improvement effects? I do understand that when running 1920x*** and under a single link does just fine, but I'm wondering if the extra bandwidth on the dual links will help with better clarity.. Thanks Oh and my current video card is a Radeon 4670 1GB
Don't double post, we have this awesome edit button. The problem you have is that 720p on most tv's is far too low for how close you're sitting.
A duel link cable will do you no good, since you can't play at above 720p resolutions anyway. If that is as high as your TV will go.. then that's as high as it will go. Post a dxdiag here and I can check your software drivers for updates. Post the full model number of your Samsung TV and I can look up its specifications. To run dxdiag=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag," Then save all the data by clicking "Save All Information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. Instructions on how to zip here. To create a rar file, first download and install winRAR then read this guide here.
Are you having some of the issues like this guy here? If yes, you may need to make adjustments to your TV's overscan settings. This can normally be done on the TV (recommend) or on the graphics card. I recommend reading your TV's manual for overscan settings and see what they are set to first. Click here for an explanation as to what overscan is.
Actually overscan isnt the problem I'm having, if I'm understanding correctly that overscan is when the picture itself is seemingly larger than the TV itself and cutting out the top, bottom, and sides of the picture.. I did actually play around with some settings on my computer though and it has gotten a little better, slightly better clarity, but overall, after all the tweaks I made, performance has gotten MUCH better.. Thanks
Thanks, I realized that the vertical sync was actually making my game play choppier than usual. After unchecking VS, i saw a vast improvement in smoothness.. It was indeed awesome..