Hey all I'm looking for blitz X, Hitch Hiker, and another map (sorry I cant remember what it was called) but it was desert terrain and there were a bunch of neutral buildings between each choke point making it a pseudo island map. And SC legacy doesn't have Blitz X and Hitch Hiker. Any help would be fantastic, thx! ^_^
every try to host a game on battle.net called WHO HAS HITCH HIKER! WHO HAS BLITZ X! ? i dont know if that works. but a lot of people do that.
Sorry for the bump, but I also need Blitz X and Ride of Valkyries. Gosu Gamers has it except it gives me this weird thing when I try to download. Help!? edit - terribly sorry for the bump, I actually just had to use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox.
The day someone is friendlyu enough on bnet to create a game for you to download the map is the day i die.