c'mon, we all know that you are one of the low lifes that love pointless violence, so it is only inevitable that you watched dragonball z, dont be ashamed, let your love for violence fuel your power. go out and vote for your favorite saga
I got lost horribly in the Buu saga and never watched again after that. And I was a bit confused for the Cell one... So Freeza I guess.
..Wait, what? Since when were Sayans Asian? I always thought they were Aryan, what with the blue eyes and golden hair.
I remember watching a bit of an episode when babysitting once. Two twins, or something, were duelling each other, then a bell went, they both stopped fighting, and they merged into the same person... ...It was the worst drug-trip ever.
Lmao Dbz was pretty good, but.. do you have to put a saga per episode?? lol I mean, c'mon.. ginuy saga? That wasnt more than 7-10 episodes. I'd say the Freeza saga.. when Goku turned Super sayan for the first time, I was like OMGZORS HE'S BLONDE, being a 10 year old kid and all, really impressed me